Data for characterising primate home-ranges in Amazonia using ferns and lycophytes


Cardenas_etal_Biotropica_EBQB_monkeyobs.csv Georeferenced observations of three groups (G1, G2, G3) of Saddleback tamarins at Estacion Biológica Quebrada Blanco (EBQB) in Amazonian Peru during field surveys conducted in years 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011. Observations were made during the day by a human observer equipped with a hand-held GPS device. Both UTM (zone 18S) and geographical (Long, Lat) coordinates are provided.

Cardenas_etal_Biotropica_EBQB_obscations.csv The first two columns contain the transect and subunit identifiers of 20 soil sample locations at EBQB. Eight soil samples were georeferenced to a single 25-m subunit and the remaining twelve samples to the boundary between two subunits. The remaining columns contain the sum of base cations (Ca + Mg + K in cmolc/kg) measured in each sample in the laboratory, and two predictions of cation sum based on the cation optima of the fern and lycophyte species encountered in the sampled subunits (with linear deshrinking). These predictions were made at two resolutions, either including plants growing in focal subunit(s) only (25-m resolution) or including plant data from four neighbouring subunits (100-m resolution).

Cardenas_etal_Biotropica_EBQB_predcations.csv Geographical coordinates of 485 subunits (25-m x 5-m) of 11 transects surveyed for ferns and lycophytes at EBQB and the log-transformed (base 10) sum of base cations (Ca + Mg + K in cmolc/kg) of each subunit estimated in four ways (two spatial resolutions, with and without linear deshrinking) based on the plant species' cation optima in the Western Amazonian region. The final column ('topo') contains the elevation above sea level of each subunit as extracted from a 30-m resolution digital elevation model (SRTM site:

Cardenas_etal_Biotropica_EBQB_SppOccurrence.csv Fern and lycophyte species occurrences in 485 transect subunits surveyed at EBQB.

Cardenas_etal_Biotropica_EBQB_SppOptima.csv Logarithmically transformed (base 10) species optima for exchangeable base cation concentration (Ca+Mg+K in cmolc/kg) in the surface soil for those fern and lycophyte species that were encountered at EBQB.

The data contain information about the home ranges (based on sighting localities) of three groups of saddle-back tamarins (Leontocebus nigrifrons) in Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco (EBQB) in lowland tropical rain forest of Peruvian Amazonia. Habitat information based on indicator species (ferns and lycophytes), soil properties (exchangeable base cation concentation) and elevation is also included.

These data were used in the paper: Cárdenas Ramírez, G.G., Jones, M.M., Heymann, E.W. and Tuomisto, H. (2021) Characterising primate home-ranges in Amazonia: using ferns and lycophytes as indicators of site quality. Biotropica. DOI: **

Whenever using the data, please cite both the Biotropica paper and the dataset separately.

Metadata Access
Creator Cárdenas, Glenda; Jones, Mirkka; Heymann, Eckhard; Tuomisto, Hanna
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA); info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact glecar(at)
Size 1.3 MB; 5 files
Discipline 3.1.13 → Biology → Ecology