UNESCO Culture Statistics, 1995-2017


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The UNESCO Culture dataset contains three tables:The UNESCO Cultural Employment table includes comparable data to monitor the contribution of culture to economic and social development as well as the conditions of those engaged in cultural activities.The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Questionnaire on Feature Film Statistics yields data including all key countries in the film industry. The data provide a unique perspective on how different countries and regions are transforming traditional approaches to the art and industry of film-making, especially in video and digital formats. Key indicators focus on habits of film consumption by looking at the origin of films viewed, as well as the most popular films, based on the frequency of attendance. Other indicators focus on indoor cinemas per capita and average ticket price per capita, providing a good perspective on cinema infrastructure and access.The UNESCO International Trade in Cultural Goods table is built using data from the UN Comtrade Database, which itself comprise of detailed global trade data.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-8505-2
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=e2560205048f55ef834225dae236ae5d760b6f1deef0545f284aeb8f291d6baa
Creator UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2020
Rights Copyright UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)<br>; The depositor has specified that registration is not required.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Afghanistan; Multi-nation; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Cayman Islands; Central African Republic; Chad; Channel Islands; Chile; China; Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Curacao; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Europe; European Union Countries (1993-); Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany (October 1990-); Ghana; Gibraltar; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kosovo; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macao; Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Moldova; Montenegro; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Romania; Russia; Rwanda; Saint Lucia; Saint Martin; Saint Vincent; Saotome; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Surinam; Swaziland; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uganda; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Virgin Islands (USA); Zambia; Zimbabwe