Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera off Indone...
Planktic foraminifera are widely used in palaeoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies. The accuracy of such reconstructions depends on our understanding of the organisms'... -
Pollen and spores of the KP peat core from the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Sumatr...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
MFS II Joint Evaluations - Indonesia 2012-2014
This research is part of the joint MFS II evaluations of development interventions which involved 8 evaluations at country level, including Indonesia. MFS... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Geallieerde Bombardementen in Amsterdam Noord op de Fokker...
De heer Ridder is de jongste in een gezin met vijf kinderen. De vader heeft een expeditiebedrijf in Amsterdam Noord. Ridder is 17 jaar oud wanneer de Fokkerfabrieken in juli... -
Macrocharcoal concentration and fire peak of the KP peat core from the Kampar...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Analysis of KP peat core from the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Sumatra Indonesia
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Shapefile of annual severe coral bleaching risk (average year of onset) for m...
This shapefile/vector shows you the projected year beyond which a coral reef is expected to experience severe annual bleaching conditions, based on the reef being exposed to at... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulawesi,...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Matano sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 11 radiocarbon ages in... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, ...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Towuti sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 23 radiocarbon ages in... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawe...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Towuti, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 55 samples in the past 30 ka, and measured... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulaw...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Matano, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 31 samples in the past 32 ka, and measured... -
First-Hand Accounts of War: War Letters (1935-1950) from NIOD Digitised
Introduction This dataset collection is created within the context of the digitisation project ‘First-Hand Accounts of War: War Letters (1935-1950) from NIOD Digitised’, that... -
Banana Diversity in Senduro Area, Lumajang, Indonesia
This dataset presents the diversity of bananas in the Senduro area (Pasrujambe, Senduro and Gucialit sub-districts) of Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. -
The Custom of Sharpening Tooth
This files contain information regarding custom of sharpening teeth in Mentawai, Indonesia. -
Indonesian Cybercrime Verdicts Collected 2016-2018
The dataset presents a summary of Indonesian cybercrime cases from 123 district court verdicts; 18 high court verdicts; and 16 Supreme Court verdicts. All the verdicts contain... -
Interreligious Conflicts in Indonesia 2017.
“Interreligious Conflicts in Indonesia 2017” provides documentation of a cross-religious dataset among the general population in six potential conflict regions in Indonesia. The... -
2019 Survey data of Creative Industries in Kampongs in Bandung, Indonesia
The datasets here listed are the result of a survey (2019) and a mapping exercise (2019/2020) related to understand the context of creative industries in three kampongs in... -
Performance of the Sysmex Infection Manager System (IMS) to differentiate bet...
This dataset presents the results from a prospective diagnostic study in which the diagnostic performance of the Sysmex Infection Manager System (IMS), which is a novel algorith... -
IMF Government Finance Statistics, 1972-2023
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) database provides current and... -
IMF World Economic Outlook, 1980-2028
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Economic Outlook (WEO) database contains selected...