Raziskava se je osredotočala na tematiko politično-nazorskih usmeritev slovenskega prebivalstva, koliko ljudi se uvršča na levico in koliko na desnico, kakšen je odnos ljudi do pojmov kot so svoboda, enakost, odgovornost, kapitalizem, liberalnost, konservativnost, multikulturnost, partizanstvo, domobranstvo, religija, patriotizem, resnica, red, varnost ipd. Ugotavljalo se je, kako blizu je anketirancem katera od političnih strank, pa tudi kakšne možnosti bi te imele na morebitnih predčasnih volitvah. Kot vedno se je merila tudi trenutna podpora vladi ter nekatera aktualna vprašanja, kot npr. rešitev iz krize brez mednarodne finančne pomoči, poročilo EU o ukrepih slovenske vlade in privatizacija podjetij v večinski državni lasti.
The study focused on the theme topic of political and ideological orientation of the Slovenian population, how many people classify themselves as left/right politically orientated and what attitude they hold towards concepts of freedom, equality, responsibility, capitalism, liberalism, conservatism, multiculturalism, partisan movement, home guard movement, religion, patriotism, truth, order, security etc. The aim of the study’s was also to estimate, how close people feel towards certain political parties and what would their chances be at the hypothetical preliminary elections. As always, the current support of the government was measured, as well as the respondents’ opinion about the solution of the crisis without the international monetary help, EU report on the measures of the Slovenian government and the privatization of the state majority owned companies.
Verjetnostno: stratificiranoProbability.Stratified
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI