This collection contains 10500 computationally generated, randomised 2D microstructures, their geometrical and electrical properties, and the Matlab software package used to calculate these properties. The two-phase microstructures (mineral matrix, pore space) represent three different pore space types (microfracture networks, intergranular pore space, oomoldic pore space) and are organised into 35 ensembles - with common modelling parameters - of 100 individual microstructure realisations each. For all realisations, several geometrical properties (percolation, total porosity, connected porosity, isolated porosity, surface area, fractal dimension) and physical properties (formation factor from electrical resistivity, electrical tortuosity) are given. The collection also includes a Matlab-based finite element simulation package derived from the FEMALY library, which can be used to compute the properties of any given 2D raster microstructure.