Comparative analysis of Slovenian minority in Italy and Italian minority in Slovenia


The main goal of the project was a comprehensive comparative analysis of the Slovenian minority in Italy and Italian minority in Slovenia and analysis of the importance and role of the Slovenian minority in forming a unified cultural space. For this purpose, many and varied dimensions of minority issues have been studied, namely: 1) level and quality of minorities relation with central ethnicity and country, 2) nature of interethnic relations in residence environment, 3) level of minority members satisfaction, 4) level of internal connection and small groups cohesiveness, 5) level of ethnic boundaries permeability (occurrence of mixed marriages and contacts with majority and other ethnicities), 6) level of cultural assimilation (as contrast to cultural pluralism), 7) level and quality of cultural, political and economic minorities organizing, 8) level of intolerance, nationalism and xenophobia in relation to minorities, 9) minorities role and position in abolition of Slovenian-Italian national border.

Non-probability: Respondent-assistedNonprobability.RespondentAssisted

Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI

Metadata Access
Creator Sedmak, Mateja
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije= Slovenian Research Agency; Primorska news, Newspaper Publishing Company
Rights ADP, 2024; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Coastal region (Koper, Izola, Piran) and its surroundings, Trieste and its surroundings; Slovenia Koper