Comparative analysis of Slovenian minority in Italy and Italian minority in S...
Osrednji namen projekta je bila celovita komparativna analiza slovenske manjšine v Italiji in italijanske manjšine v Sloveniji ter analiza pomena in vloge slovenske manjšine pri... -
Cross-border integration and local communities, 2012: Effects of the entry of...
V okviru programske skupine ARRS "Območja kulturnega stika v integracijskih procesih" je bila med pripadniki madžarske narodne manjšine v Prekmurju, na obmejnem območju,... -
Opettajien ja ohjaajien ajatuksia sukupuoli- ja kulttuuritietoisesta ohjaukse...
Aineisto koostuu opetus- ja ohjausalan ammattilaisten yksilöhaastatteluista, joissa aiheena on sukupuoli- ja kulttuuritietoinen ohjaus ja sen toteuttamistavat omassa työssä.... -
Čezmejno povezovanje in lokalne skupnosti, 2015
Na obmejnem območju Istre je bila izvedena študija primera (poglobljena terenska raziskava) med pripadniki italijanske narodne manjšine v hrvaški Istri. Namen študije je bil... -
Čezmejno povezovanje in lokalne skupnosti, 2015
Na obmejnem območju Istre je bila izvedena študija primera (poglobljena terenska raziskava) med pripadniki italijanske narodne manjšine v slovenski Istri. Namen študije je bil... -
Mediagedrag van een allochtoon kind 1989
Role of the media in staying informed about life in native country and in the Netherlands / appreciate most being informed via radio or television or books or newspapers etc. /... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 2000 - SOCON 2000
Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands. Social characteristics / intimate relationships / division of care and household work / education / employment /... -
Migrantenkiesrecht in Amsterdam, 1985-1986
Participation and mobilization of ethnic minorities in municipal elections in Amsterdam in 1985 and 1986. P0783a: Dutch and foreign voters and non-voters in March 1986 municipal... -
Turkse kinderen in niemandsland 1975
Turkey / contacts in Utrecht / housing situation / occupational situation / illness / situation of the children ( in Holland and in Turkey ) / possibilities for small children... -
Voorlichting over minderheden 1983
To measure the impact of an information-program about ethnic minorities by the society for idealistic advertising ( SIRE ). Attitude towards children from ethnic minorities,... -
Buitenlandse arbeider in Nederland 1971
Motivations / information / work history in the Netherlands / job satisfaction / work patterns / integration and acceptance at work / housing conditions / leisure activities /... -
Rijksregeling welzijn minderheden 1986-1987
Evaluation of the functioning of the state regulation for the well-being of minorities. Municipalities, welfare services, categorial foundations and minority organizations were... -
Mediagedrag etnische groepen in Nederland 1986
Exposure to radio and tv of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands / exposure to special ethnic programmes / reasons respondent don`t watch or listen / comments / exposure to... -
Werkloosheid in oude stadswijken 1982
Social position and behaviour on the labour market of the unemployed living in old town districts, in particular the position of ethnic minorities. Occupational career /... -
Amsterdamse omnibus-enquête VIII 1985
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments. Making use of public transport, image of car-attendants / Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1992 / need for... -
Deviant gedrag en slachtofferschap onder jongens uit etnische minderheden 1985
Measuring deviant behaviour, delinquency and victimization among male youth of ethnic minorities ( Turkish, Moroccan, Surinam ) compared with Dutch control group. Using both... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1979-1990, SOCON 1979-1990
This study is a compilation of variables from already existing studies: P0875, P1012 and P1100: Religion in Dutch Society 1979, 1985, 1990. Importance of career, money, family... -
Koop- en bestedingsgedrag etnische groepen 1984
Pattern of spending and buying behaviour of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Budget, spendings and purchases of household: kinds of commodities, services/ kinds of... -
Opinie onderzoek Sofres, Frankrijk 1971
Wave 1 attitude ( social distance ) to Jews / are they as French as other groups / perception of their attitude to Israel and french foreign policy in near east / most important... -
Jonge Turken en Marokkanen op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt 1981
Labour-market position of young Turkish and Moroccan immigrants. Duration of residence in the Netherlands or other European country / education and training / job history / job...