Surface waves data from a submerged ADCP in the "DeepLev" Eastern Levantine station


The dataset is comprised of processed sea surface waves fields from an uplooking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for the operational period of 2016-2022. The ADCP was mounted on the submerged Deep Levantine (DeepLev) mooring station located 50 km off the Israeli coast to the west of Haifa (bottom depth 1470m) as a part of an extended monitoring project. The results are summarized in eight netcdf files, one for each deployments, consisting of full two-dimensional wave fields, along with derived bulk parameter such as wave heights, periods, and directions of propagation. It meets the need for accurate and reliable in-situ measurements in the deep region of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, as the area significantly lacks wave data compare to other Mediterranean sub-basins.

Metadata Access
Creator Haim, Nir; Toledo, Yaron; Mayzel, Boaz; Grigorieva, Vika; Soffer, Rotem; Katz, Timor; Alkalay, Ronen; Biton, Eli; Lazar, Ayah; Gildor, Hezi; Berman-frank, Ilana; Weinstein, Yishai; Herut, Barak
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2016
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science