Kaiserchronik - digital


The digital edition presents the entire manuscript transmission of the Kaiserchronik, both known and extant, in dual format: digital facsimiles of the manuscripts (where these are still extant) on the one hand, transcriptions of the manuscript text on the other. Manuscripts now lost or presumed missing are represented by historic transcriptions or microfilms.

The transcriptions reproduce the manuscript text without editorial emendation or punctuation; they are therefore not a critical text. Such a text, for each of Recensions A, B, and C, will be presented in the planned synoptic edition of the Kaiserchronik (see Project Description).

Editorial Principles: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/en/kcd/informationen/editionsprinzipien.html

DOI https://doi.org/10.11588/data/PEFKJM
Related Identifier IsCitedBy https://doi.org/10.11588/edition.kcd
Metadata Access https://heidata.uni-heidelberg.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.11588/data/PEFKJM
Creator Chinca, Mark; Hunter, Helen; Wolf, Jürgen; Young, Christopher
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Young, Christopher; Chinca, Mark; Hunter, Helen; Wolf, Jürgen; Heidelberg University Library; Buncombe, Miriam (St. Andrews); Dorofeeva, Anna (Cambridge); Pretzer, Christoph (Cambridge); Richards, Emily (York); Schwarzbach-Dobson, Michael (Cologne); Wareham, Edmund (Oxford); Heinig, Dorothea (Marburg); Weis, Daniel David (Marburg); Fleischer, Jürg (Marburg)
Publication Year 2018
Funding Reference Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) AH/H006513/1 ; Schools of Arts and Humanities and Humanities and Social Sciences ; Schröder Fund ; Isaac Newton Trust in the University of Cambridge
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Young, Christopher (University of Cambridge)
Resource Type Transcriptions; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/html; text/xml
Size 8689; 2303820; 36875; 55659; 1891267; 27351; 56924; 25884; 82913; 88321; 2080200; 34633; 49305; 1377035; 2611200; 21760; 30437; 42081; 29583; 55276; 57850; 54392; 2151934; 56194; 116866; 1649814; 1436396; 1746092; 60787; 62305; 55689; 61913; 45809; 30520; 25425; 22760; 32932; 58464; 1541144; 38264; 201802; 89325; 30594; 690368; 37412; 112298; 53523; 83543; 26377; 48387; 43375; 1783035; 24229; 41412
Version 4.0
Discipline Humanities
Spatial Coverage Cambridge, Marburg, Heidelberg