The CFHTLS Survey (T0007 release)

Canada and France joined a large fraction (~50%) of their dark and grey telescope time from mid-2003 to early 2009 for a large project, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). The data acquisition and calibration has been a major undertaking for the Canadian and French communities: more than 2300 hours over 5 years (an equivalent of 450 nights) have been devoted to the survey using the wide field optical imaging camera MegaCam, a 1{deg}x1{deg} field of view 340 Megapixel camera. The CFHTLS comprises 2 components: "CFHTLS Deep", 4 independent 1deg^2^ MegaCam pointing, and "CFHT Wide" comprising 171 MegaCam pointings covering ~155deg^2^ in 4 contiguous independent patches. All areas are located far from the galactic plane, and their central positions are: -------------------------------------------------- Field RA (J2000) Dec Galactic position -------------------------------------------------- W1 02:18 -07:00 172.468 -61.242 W2 08:54 -04:15 232.067 +24.743 W3 14:17:54 +54:30:31 098.850 +58.390 W4 22:13:18 +01:19 063.243 -42.511 D1 02:25:59 -04:29:40 171.993 -58.054 D2 10:00:28 +02:23:30 236.616 +42.227 D3 14:19:27 +52:40:56 096.227 +59.642 D4 22:15:31 -17:43:56 039.271 -52.925 -------------------------------------------------- This final release of the CFHTLS benefits greatly from vastly improved flat-fielding and photometric calibration techniques developed by the Supernovae Legacy Survey (SNLS) team and CFHT which allows us to significantly improve the precision of our photometric calibration compared to previous releases. The astrometric accuracy reaches 0.02arcsec internal and 0.2arcsec external. The set of filters used for the survey are close to the SDSS filter set; their characteristics and a comparison to SDSS can be found at Please ee the documentation file "T0007-doc.pdf" for details concerning this T0007 release.

Cone search capability for table II/317/cfhtls_w (the CFHTLS Wide Survey (out of 35,651,677 sources))

Cone search capability for table II/317/cfhtls_d (the CFHTLS Deep Survey (out of 2,293,851 sources))

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Metadata Access
Creator Hudelot P.; Cuillandre J.-Ch.; Withington K.; Goranova Y.; McCracken H.,Magnard F.; Mellier Y.; Regnault N.; Betoule M.; Aussel H.; Kavelaars J.J.,Fernique P.; Bonnarel F.; Ochsenbein F.; Ilbert O.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2012
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics