(Table S) Planktonic foraminifera I/Ca during the PETM


As yet no evidence has been presented for pervasive deoxygenation in the upper water column through expansion of Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) during the PETM. We apply a novel proxy for paleo-redox conditions, the iodine to calcium ratio (I/Ca) in bulk coarse fraction sediment and planktonic foraminiferal tests from pelagic sites in different oceans, and compared our reconstruction with modeled oxygen levels. The reconstructed iodate gradients indicate that deoxygenation occurred in the upper water column in the Atlantic, Indian Oceans, and possibly the Pacific Ocean as well during the PETM, due to vertical and potentially lateral expansion of OMZs.

measured by ICP-MS in Syracuse University during 2012-2014

Supplement to: Zhou, Xiaoli; Thomas, Ellen; Rickaby, Rosalind E M; Winguth, Arne M E; Lu, Zunli (2014): I/Ca evidence for upper ocean deoxygenation during the PETM. Paleoceanography, 29(10), 964-975

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.869448
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.1002/2014PA002702
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.869448
Creator Zhou, Xiaoli ORCID logo; Thomas, Ellen ORCID logo; Rickaby, Rosalind E M ORCID logo; Winguth, Arne M E; Lu, Zunli ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2016
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 505 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-179.555W, -65.161S, 1.205E, 18.440N); South Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; South Indian Ridge, South Indian Ocean; North Pacific Ocean; Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 1987-01-20T03:15:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2003-04-05T00:00:00Z