(Table S1) I/Ca ratios of surface sediments
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(Table S2) I/Ca ratios, CaCO3 content and stable isotope rates of foraminifer...
New version of doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.869450 uploaded on 2018-08-20 due to upload errors in the first version. -
(Table S2) I/Ca ratios, CaCO3 content and stable isotope rates of foraminifer...
NOTE: On 2018-08-20 it was found, that the data uploaded here for TC493 was shifted compared to the original version. A new and correct version was therefore uploaded, please... -
(Table S) Planktonic foraminifera I/Ca during the PETM
As yet no evidence has been presented for pervasive deoxygenation in the upper water column through expansion of Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) during the PETM. We apply a novel...