Dataset includes annotated corpus data from Latin texts from the 3rd c. BCE until the 10th c. CE. Attestations of forms of both the original construction ('PP-BE.inf.', e.g. 'cantatus est') and the innovation ('PP-BE.perf.', e.g. 'cantatus fuit') for the expression of the passive (taken together with forms of deponent verbs into 'nonactive') of perfectum stem tenses were extracted from major online corpora (331.131 data points); a random sample (n = 383) of data points of PP-BE.inf. that represents all text types and time periods as evenly as possible was then subjected to a close-reading analysis in order to ascertain the attestation rate of meanings for which it competed with the innovation PP-BE.perf. (specialized in ANTERIORITY) and the present tense (specialized in present events or situations). Only the data points that were annotated in full in this second phase are included in the current dataset. For the data points examined in the first phase, only the formal categories in the list below were annotated to the extent that these annotations are not subject to interpretation.
The datasets in this series contain the replication data for research papers published within the FWO-funded project "Tracing change and reaction in the Latin tense system: an empirical analysis of language-internal and language-external influences on the development of morphological innovations and form-function pairings from Early Latin to Early Romance".