The location of the Azores Archipelago makes this group of islands an excellent setting for investigating past long-term temperature and precipitation changes in the central North Atlantic region. Lake Prata (37º48'23''N, 25°44'12''W; 520 m a.s.l.) is found on the island of São Miguel, more precisely in the western sector of the Picos fissure system, 5 km SE of the Sete Cidades caldera, and it fills the crater of a scoria cone older than 5000 years. The lake is currently a Sphagnum/Eleocaris-dominated peatland. In January 2021, a 4.5-m long core was collected from Lake Prata using a Russian corer with a 50 cm long and 7 cm diameter sampler. The core was packed in PVC trays and covered in plastic film before being transported to the CIBIO's paleolimnology laboratory (University of Azores). The core was dated using ¹⁴C and produced a multi-proxy dataset of geochemical and biological analyses that we used to uncover paleoenvironmental changes on Lake Prata in the last ca. 1200 years.