Meloidogyne incognita protein-coding genes differentially expressed at four stages during the parasitic life cycle:
- eggs
- pre-parasitic second stage juvenile (J2)
- mix of parasitic second, third and fourth stage juveniles (J3)
- adult females
The genes show significantly differential expression between the stages according to three methods EBseq + EdgeR + DEseq2.
The following thresholds were used to consider differential expression as significant:
- Log2 fold change >2
- false discovery rate (fdr) <0.05
The six first files correspond to the six comparisons between the four developmental life stages as follows:
With the two remaining comparisons being:
Each of these files are in tab-separated values format (tsv) and present expression values and statistics of DEseq2, EdgeR and EBseq (from Rsem).
A seventh file in XLSX Excel format groups all the above information and adds some statistics on genes known to be specifically expressed in dorsal gland (DG) or subventral gland (SvG) cells.
Finally, the last files provide a graphical representation of the genes differentially expressed during the M. incognita developmental life cycle as well the gene ontology (GO) 'Molecular Function' terms overrepresented at the different transitions.