Data on 455 H-{alpha} emission stars found in all parts of the Milky Way, virtually all previously unpublished, are tabulated, with newly measured coordinates usually accurate to better than 2". A half-dozen stars appear to have been published previously with erroneous coordinates, or to have been published but omitted from the general catalog by Wackerling (1970MmRAS..73..153W). Included among the new stars are known OB stars of the Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way survey, from the Hamburg zones, which were originally searched for H{alpha} emission at slightly lower spectral resolution than we have used. The stars are in general of early spectral type, and are mostly fainter than the limits of the DM catalogs. The objective-prism plates covered the entire Milky Way within about 10deg of the galactic equator, at a spectral dispersion of about 1000{AA}/mm at H-alpha. Note: This is the catalogue which includes the famous SS 433 object.
Cone search capability for table III/180/catalog (The SS(77) catalogue (Table 2 of publication))