Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) observations of two fields in the extended UV disk (XUV-disk) of M83 have been recently obtained, ~3R_HII_ away from the center of the galaxy (R_HII_=6.6kpc). Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) UV images have shown the two fields to host in situ recent star formation. The IRAC images are used in conjunction with GALEX data and new HI imaging from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) to constrain stellar masses and ages of the UV clumps in the fields, and to relate the local recent star formation to the reservoir of available gas. Multi-wavelength photometry in the UV and mid-IR (MIR) bands of 136 UV clumps (spatial resolution >220pc) identified in the two target fields, together with model fitting of the stellar UV-MIR spectral energy distributions (SEDs), suggests that the clumps cover a range of ages between a few Myr and >1Gyr with a median value around <=100Myr, and have masses in the range 10^3^-3x10^6^M_{sun}, with a peak ~10^4.7^M{sun}.
Cone search capability for table J/AJ/136/479/table23 (Source list, derived ages and masses)