Slovenian Labour Force Survey 2009 is a Slovenian research with a tradition. The LFS measures the labour status and other characteristics of the population in a certain week of each quarter, by spreading the sample uniformly over all the weeks of the quarter. The survey provides data on size, structure and characteristics of active and inactive population. Data on personal income are added to the dataset (DURS register) – an average monthly income in either the whole year or a shorter period of time, if a person had worked for less than a year. Throughout the whole year around 22.900 households participated. Non-anonymised version of LFS microdata is available to researchers, onsite or by remote access. The survey was conducted as one of the surveys of the Eurostat Labour Force Survey which includes data from 27 Member States of the European Union, four Candidate Countries and two EFTA countries (Norway and Switzerland). Comparability through time and space is possible as Eurostat distributes Labour Force Survey data of other participating countries.
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Face-to-face interview: Computer-assisted (CAPI/CAMI)Personal CA interviews. Only when surveying a household for the first time. Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI). When surveying a household after the first time.Interview.FaceToFace.CAPIorCAMI