Replication Data for: From Motion to Causation: The Diachrony of the Spanish Causative Constructions with traer (‘Bring’) and llevar (‘Take’)


The two annotated data files in this dataset were used to create the tables and graphs in the paper "From Motion to Causation: The Diachrony of the Spanish Causative Constructions with traer (‘Bring’) and llevar (‘Take’)". All the tokens, which span from the 12th to the 20th centuries, were retrieved from the Corpus del Diccionario Hisotórico (CDH) and belong to the geographical area of Spain. A first data file contains tokens of the Spanish causative constructions with "llevar" and "traer", composed by the following elements: [NP1 + llevar/traer + NP2 + a + infinitive]. The second data file contains tokens of two constructional variants of llevar/traer causative constructions, with the preposition "en" or with no preposition: [NP1 + llevar/traer + NP2 + en + infinitive] and [NP1 + llevar/traer + NP2 + infinitive]. The data from the first data file is annotated for (i) century, (ii) causative verb, (iii) animacy of the NP1, (iv) animacy of the NP2, (v) position of the NP2, (vi) position of adjuncts, (vii) lemma of the infinitive, (viii) presence of multiple infinitives and (ix) semantic class of the infinitive. The data from the second data file is annotated for (i) century, (ii) preposition and (iii) causative verb.

Microsoft Excel, 2305

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Torres Soler, Julio ORCID logo; Enghels, Renata ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Torres Soler, Julio; University of Alicante; The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Spanish Ministry of Universities, FPU19 01505
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Torres Soler, Julio (University of Alicante)
Resource Type Annotated corpus data; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/tsv; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size 9923; 84288; 63886; 311; 9356
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities