We present a catalog of 321 compact radio sources in the declination range 0{deg}>{delta}>-30{deg}. The positions of these sources have been measured with a two-dimensional rms accuracy of 35milliarcseconds using the NRAO Very Large Array. Each source has a peak flux density >50mJy at 8.4GHz. We intend for this catalog to be used mainly for selection of phase calibration sources for radio interferometers, although compact radio sources have other scientific uses.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/145/83/table3 (Catalog of compact radio sources measured at 8.4GHz)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/145/83/table1 (Phase calibration sources and their assumed positions)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/145/83/table2 (Astrometric check sources and their assumed positions)