Kunnallis- ja eurovaalien 1996 seuranta
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vastaajien äänestyskäyttäytymistä juuri ennen tutkimuksen suorittamista käydyissä vuoden 1996 kunnallis- ja eurokansanedustajavaaleissa. Tutkimusta... -
Eduskuntavaalien 2007 seuranta
Kyselyssä selvitettiin vastaajien äänestyskäyttäytymistä juuri ennen tutkimuksen suorittamista käydyissä vuoden 2007 eduskuntavaaleissa. Tutkimus liittyy Tekijät-kohdassa... -
Europarlamenttivaalien 2004 seuranta
Kyselyssä selvitettiin vuoden 2004 europarlamenttivaalien kampanjointiin, poliittiseen mainontaan ja äänestyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä asioita. Tutkimusta tehtiin Changes in... -
Eduskuntavaalien 2003 seuranta
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vastaajien äänestyskäyttäytymistä juuri ennen tutkimuksen suorittamista käydyissä vuoden 2003 eduskuntavaaleissa. Tutkimusta tehtiin Changes in... -
Kunnallisvaalien 2004 seuranta
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vuoden 2004 kunnallisvaalien kampanjointiin, poliittiseen mainontaan ja äänestyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä asioita. Tutkimusta tehtiin Changes in... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1983
This dataset is the result of the first step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1985
This dataset is the result of the second step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund, panel 1983-1985
During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish Telecommunications Administration (Televerket) put trial networks for cable television into operation in Lund. One of the reasons that Lund... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1996
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2006
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentyfirst survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Mediebarometern 2005
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The study intends to highlight the proportion of the Swedish population... -
Mediebarometern 2006
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2007
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Mediebarometern 2007
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Mediebarometern 2008
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2008
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Mediebarometern 2009
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Mediebarometern 2010
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Mediebarometern 2011
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different... -
Mediebarometern 2012
The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...