Moderne vreemde talen in examenpakketten van het AVO 1975
School career / degree of difficulty / reasons for teaching / importance and relevance of various subjects / influence on the choice of examination subjects / actually chosen... -
Avondscholenprojekt 1972
Attenders of evening schools and their primary school career / socio-economic background / motivations / working conditions / what kind of difficulties at school / expected... -
Politieke voorkeur 1972
Attitude to education: / participation in school activities and organizations / strategies to reach some goal in the school organization / influence of pupils in school /... -
Programme for international student assessment, the Netherlands 2000 - PISA 2000
Reading performance, mathematics performance, and science performance of pupils of secondary schools in the Netherlands. Next to tests questions were asked about their home... -
Verrechtsing middelbare scholieren 1982-1983
Measuring right-extreme opinions in a secondary school population. Family background / political behaviour / involvement with school / right-extremism, racism, fascism,... -
Demotivatie bij leraren 1984
Survey on extent and causes of burnout and de-motivation of teachers in secondary education. Emotional exhaustion ( burnout ) as a result of teaching, reduction of motivation /... -
Ontwikkeling en evaluatie van de minikursus 'Het organiseren van zelfstandig ...
Evaluation of mini course 'independent learning', developed by Far West Laboratory for educational research and development, adapted for the Netherlands / ability to determine... -
Klachten van leerlingen op scholen-gemeenschappen voor VWO-HAVO 1976
Mental pressure of new schooling system for students / measurement of problems with health, school, future / relation with other sex and personal problems / IQ-test with... -
Invloed van extra lichamelijke opvoeding 1971-1972
Effects of two extra physical exercise lessons per week during one school-year on the physical and mental growth of 12-13 year old boys ( pupils of brugklas of VWO and HAVO ) /... -
Second International Science Study - Nederlandse data 1984
Description of scientific fields in secondary education concerning contents and level. PUPILS: background variables: age, sex, country of birth, duration of residence in... -
Invloed van scholen op de kleine criminaliteit van hun leerlingen 1988-1989
The influence of schools as organizations and their staff members on delinquency of their pupils. interview ( deputy ) headmaster: structure of comprehensive school / pupil... -
Werkkringen van MTS-ers 1975
Content analyses of advertisements for MTS-graduates functions, industrial sector, required schooling / industry questionnaire requirements for job in advertisement schooling,... -
Avondscholen projekt II en III 1974-1978
School attenders drop-outs and final examination candidates of evening schools and their previous schooling / housing and working situation / schooling and work of parents and... -
Schoolkeuze en schoolloopbaan bij het voortgezet onderwijs, cohort 1964-1965,...
Longitudinal research, relating school career of pupils in secondary education to school capability and social class. Following pupils in final grade of primary education and... -
Motivatie in het voortgezet onderwijs 1977-1982
Evaluation of motivation training for both teachers and pupils by several instruments: SSAT: situation specific fear test ( pupils ) / TCM: test for cognitive motivation (... -
Belevingsschaal voor wiskunde 1986
Standardization and validation of the attitude scale towards mathematics ( BSW ). This study aimed at standardization and validation of the attitude-scale towards mathematics.... -
Effekten van een voorlichtingscampagne onder schoolverlaters, 1981
Follow-up study of the success of an information campaign among young people leaving school concerning possible activities for finding a job. Preferred profession / estimated... -
Teacher and the 'middle' school ( Dutch experimental comprehensive school ) 1977
Getting insight into the opinion of teachers at secondary schools about the "middenschool": integrated education for pupils aged 12-16. Career as a teacher / how was r. informed... -
Beeld van en houding tegenover techniek van tweede klas leerlingen in het AVO...
Investigating of the image of, and attitude towards technology of second grade pupils in general secondary education. Engineering and technology: interest in / sex... -
Schoolgrootte en welbevinden van leerlingen 1977
Pupils participation in and satisfaction with school activities ( sports, excursions, parties ) / contacts with other pupils and teachers / teaching methods / calculation of...