Selection data for modelling the distribution of key Mediterranean gorgonians
This dataset includes georeferenced data relevant to four Mediterranean gorgonians Eunicella singularis, Eunicella cavolini, Paramuricea clavata, and Corallium rubrum. It was... -
Interview met Sjoerd Buisman, Haarlem, 23 mei 2024
Interview met Sjoerd Buisman gericht op kunstenaarsintentie in het kader van een onderzoeksproject van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Smart Care: Artist Intent and Artist... -
Reconstructing and understanding the conservative history of fragmented codic...
Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East ICAS-EMME 4, the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia,... -
Kaikkien yhteinen kulttuuriperintö 2014
Kyselyssä kartoitettiin suomalaisten suhdetta kulttuuriperintöönsä. Tarkoituksena oli kerätä tietoja Euroopan neuvoston laatiman kulttuuriperinnön yhteiskunnallista merkitystä... -
Metsäammattilaisten kokemukset ja näkemykset metsien vapaaehtoisesta suojelus...
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin metsäammattilaisten kokemuksia metsien suojelusta omassa työssään, mielipiteitä uusista monimuotoisuuden turvaamisen keinoista, metsien käsittelyn... -
Metsänomistajien näkemyksiä METSO-ohjelmasta ja metsien käytöstä 2014
Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin metsänomistajien näkemyksiä METSO-ohjelmasta, mielipiteitä monimuotoisuuden turvaamisen keinoista, metsien käsittelyn periaatteista, vuorovaikutuksen... -
Interview Willem Wolff on Sol LeWitt's Paving Patterns "Irregular Star"
The interview was conducted on December 4, 2023 at the Amsterdam University library and a question list was sent to Mr. Wolff before the interview to seek his consent. The... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 2000 - SOCON 2000
Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands. Social characteristics / intimate relationships / division of care and household work / education / employment /... -
Data from: Combined effects of land use and hunting on distributions of tropi...
In our paper “Combined effects of land use and hunting on distributions of tropical mammals.” (Conservation Biology, Available from:... -
Données de réplication pour : Increased drying threatens alpine pond biodiver...
Data repository for ‘Increased drying threatens alpine pond biodiversity more than temperature increase in a changing climate’ Prepared by Marie Lamouille-Hébert... -
Masajernas hushålls och byars socioekonomiska status och beslut i Ngorongoro ...
The UNESCO World Heritage Site Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Tanzania is a well-known example of the challenges of managing a conservation area for multiple goals... -
movedesign: Study design of movement ecology studies
A Shiny R application that aims to assist researchers in designing animal tracking projects related to two main research questions: the estimation of home range and of speed and... -
Tatra National Park (Poland) - conservation zoning
GIS layer with current spatial delimitation and conservation zoning of the Tatra National Park. Also archival data on zoning available from as early as 1955 (beginning of Park... -
Replication Data for: Extremely low amphibian roadkill probability on busy bi...
The repository contains three Excel data files and one R-script to analyze the data and to produce the figures, and a zip file containing all files used to make Supplementary... -
Perceptions of managers about Brazilian PAs
Brazil is one of the mega biodiverse countries on the planet. As a strategy to safeguard its biodiversity, the country has heavily relied on protected areas (PAs). However, gaps... -
SNP panels genotyping data for the genetic characterization of cupped oyster ...
The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, has been voluntarily introduced from Japan and British Columbia into Europe in the early 1970s, mainly to replace the Portuguese oyster,... -
Replication Data for: Adaptive intertidal seed-based seagrass restoration in ...
Composition and seed viability of eelgrass (Zostera marina) plants harvested for seagrass restoration trials in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Data of seagrass restoration results (plant... -
List of lemur food plants (LFP)
List of lemur food plants (LFP). Including lemur food plants (S1.1), data sources (S1.2) and other literature cited (S1.3). While referring to this database, please also cite...