El éxito y el empoderamiento de jóvenes que cursaron Formación Profesional: t...
El conjunto de datos contiene las transcripciones de entrevistas, focus group y líneas de tiempo de información proporcionada por siete jóvenes (seis mujeres y un hombre) que... -
Indicadores de calidad de la Formación Profesional dual de las empresas
El conjunto de datos refiere a los datos recogidos mediante el instrumento de autoevaluación de la calidad en las empresas que participan en los proyectos de FP dual intensiva.... -
Indicadores de calidad de la Formación Profesional dual de los Centros educat...
El conjunto de datos refiere a los datos recogidos mediante el instrumento de autoevaluación de la calidad en centros educativos que imparten FP dual intensiva. El instrumento... -
Percepciones y Actitudes sobre la Formación Profesional entre Familias y Estu...
El estudio consistió en la realización de grupos de discusión con familias y estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en varias regiones de España, incluyendo la... -
Cuestionario sobre estrategias didácticas utilizadas por el profesorado de Fo...
El conjunto de datos incluye varios indicadores correspondientes a las metodologías de eseñanza y aprendizaje, así como las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas, por el... -
The Social Situation in Educational Access 2003 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The connection between educational information, social background, achievement and the level of education achieved and the associated labour... -
Mikrocensus 2003, 2. quarter: Labour Force Survey, Lifelong Learning
lifelong learning: According to the regulation No. 1313/2002 by the European Commission from 19th July 2002 member states have to conduct a sample survey on the ad-hoc module... -
Mikrocensus 1973, 4. quarter: Professional Education and Advanced Education
This Mikrozensus special survey is on the topic of professional education and advanced education. It follows the special survey from September 1970 on workplace and employment... -
Monitoring School Leavers 2006
The research project Monitoring is dedicated to the various aspects of educational and occupational choices of high-school graduates and freshmen. Since 1995 high-school... -
4th Report on the State of the Youth: Youth Radar 2004
In the resolution from 28th September 1988 the National Assembly demanded the continuation of research on the state of the youth. Moreover, the latest report should be presented... -
The Social Situation in Educational Access 2003 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The connection between educational information, social background, achievement and the level of education achieved and the associated labour... -
Mikrocensus 1973, 4. quarter: Professional Education and Advanced Education
This Mikrozensus special survey is on the topic of professional education and advanced education. It follows the special survey from September 1970 on workplace and employment... -
Monitoring School Leavers 2006
The research project Monitoring is dedicated to the various aspects of educational and occupational choices of high-school graduates and freshmen. Since 1995 high-school... -
4th Report on the State of the Youth: Youth Radar 2004
In the resolution from 28th September 1988 the National Assembly demanded the continuation of research on the state of the youth. Moreover, the latest report should be presented... -
Mikrocensus 2003, 2. quarter: Labour Force Survey, Lifelong Learning
lifelong learning: According to the regulation No. 1313/2002 by the European Commission from 19th July 2002 member states have to conduct a sample survey on the ad-hoc module...