Questionnaire and physiological data for the overview effect in VR
The data was recorded using a Virtual Reality simulation of a space journey, by SpaceBuzz. Questionnaire data includes demographics, Dispositional Positive Emotions Scale for... -
A Comparative Study Examining the Effects of Mixed and Virtual Reality on Pla...
Understanding the unique impact of extended reality (XR) technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), on emotional states is important for predicting... -
Concurrent validitiy ans reliability of a VR software to assess shoulder rang...
Shoulder pain commonly has a detrimental impact on patient's work and social activities. Although pain is the most common reason for seeking care, a reduction in shoulder range... -
Replication data for: The effectiveness of virtual reality training on knowle...
Virtual reality (VR) training can facilitate learning in health professionals. However, the research on the effectiveness of VR as an educational tool for the mental health... -
This file Metro Experiment.zip contains two folders, the “MetroUE5_windows” and “RawData”. The first folder contains the executable of the original experiment for... -
Sant’Agnese fuori le mura, 3d model
3D model of Sant'Agnese fuori le mura