Data Compendium on German Education History. Part I: Social History and Stati...
The study deals with the development of the higher educational system in the States of the German Reich. The period of the analysis is from the beginning of the 19th century,... -
Schools and Universities in the German Democratic Republic, 1949 – 1989
The Study’s context With the publication of this data manual on education in the former GDR, the publication series of data manuals on German Education History, funded by the... -
The development of special education in the West German Länder: Recommendatio...
In the school year 2017/18, about 317,000 students with ascertained “special educational needs” have been taught in “special schools” (german: “Sonderschule” or “Förderschule”)... -
Interviewerhebung - AdaptiMus
Das Verbundvorhaben "AdaptiMus" fokussierte die spezifische Situation von Schülerinnen und Schülern, die das Programm "Jedem Kind ein Instrument" (JeKi) durchlaufen haben. Ziel... -
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 7th Wave 1992
Coping with development demands, risk situations and risk behavior of young people in the new states. Topics: Satisfaction with school; frequency of leisure activities (scale);... -
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 6th Wave 1991
Investigation of risk situations and coping with risk by young people in the East German states under changed social conditions. Topics: Schoolchildren questionnaire:... -
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 9th wave 1995
Coping with development demands of adolescence, risk situations and risk behavior of young people in an Eastern German region. Topics: Goals in life (scale); moral orientations... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 3rd Wave 198...
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as conduct regarding occupational training and work of young people and young adults depending on... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave 198...
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and young adults dependening on... -
Interval study Twins 1st wave 1979-1982
Bedeutung und Wirkungen genetischer, personaler und sozialer Bedingungen für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und bei der familialen Sozialisation des Kindes, für die psychischen... -
Summative assessment of qualification program for parents "Familie schafft Ch...
The project aims at assessing the efficacy of the parents program ‘familY: Eltern bilden; Kinder stärken’, the ‘buddy E.V.’ takes responsibility for. It starts before entry to... -
Multilingualism as Field of Action in Intercultural School Development (MIKS)
(Note: in addition to the here described quantitative cross-sectional study, within the study there has also been conducted a qualitative study using guided interviews. The data... -
The role of school-related social networks for school leaving examination and...
Topics: I) Leisure time and social network: Composition of the social network of schoolmates; membership and frequency of activities in associations and other organizations;... -
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren 1980 (Country)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements, common relations in school class and family relations. Topics: Understanding and solidarity in class collective; sex,... -
Monitor Digital Education - Schools in Digital Age - Teachers
Use of digital learning and learning concepts at general schools. Successful concepts and challenges in the use of digital media for learning. Support for pupils with special... -
Monitor Digital Education - Schools in Digital Age - School Administration
Digital learning and concepts at school. Assessment of digital learning. Visions. Digital learning for specific target groups. Challenges. Qualification measures for the use of... -
World Vision Children Study 2013
Life situation, wishes, needs and interests of children. Feelings of justice and fears. I. Children´s questionnaire: Topics: 1. Colloquial language at home; evaluation of the... -
General secondary schools in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 2010.
Die Studie ist erschienen als Band VII des Datenhandbuchs zur deutschen Bildungsgeschichte. Mit diesem Datenbuch, dessen erste Bände 1987 vorgelegt worden sind, wird die... -
International Study of Achievement in Mathematics (Belgium, England, Finland,...
International comparative study on the influence of types of school on the attitudes of the schoolchildren to mathematics and their achievements in this subject. Topics: The... -
Senior Year Longitudinal Section (Panel 1969-1978)
The socialization and development of attitudes relevant to occupation of high school graduates in the course of later studies. Topics: Most of the scales or tests in part...