Physical oceanography and carbonate chemistry measurements from Develogic lan...
CTD plus oxygen, pH and pCO2 measurements from the near-seafloor at Goldeneye area in the North Sea from October 2017 to April 2018. The lander was deployed at 0500h on... -
Processed CO2 measurements during the 2021-2022 Saildrone 1079 mission (Easte...
In the framework of the EuroSea project (Task 7.3), a demonstration mission in the Tropical Atlantic has been conducted to enhance and optimize the network design of the... -
CTD measurements collected during the MARUM Waveglider Adelante mission
During the Adelante Mission, CTD data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics operated by... -
CTD measurements collected during the first MARUM Waveglider, OpenDAM demo mi...
CTD data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics operated by MARUM. The real-time data...