CTD plus oxygen, pH and pCO2 measurements from the near-seafloor at Goldeneye area in the North Sea from October 2017 to April 2018.
The lander was deployed at 0500h on 16/10/2017 and recovered at 0735h on 27/05/2019.The pressure data are from the Nortek Signature ADCP pressure gauge as the lander-integrated pressure sensor had very low resolution (only 1 meter).The SeapHOx unit (SBE37-SMP-ODO + SeaFET) stopped working on 28/01/2018. However oxygen and pH data are reported until 20/11/2017 as it looked like the water pump got clogged and no reliable data were produced.No data points from the 3 Pyroscience optical sensors were removed.The last reported data is on 29/04/2018 at 0420h. No more data are available after this date as the batteries were exhausted.