Conformational analysis of subtilin / lipid II binary antibiotic/target membr...
Antibiotic resistance is pathogenic bacteria is a major clinical problem. Resistance to all antibiotiotic classes, currentl yin clinical use, has been reported. By contrast, the... -
The interaction of Plant Defensins with Model Lipid Membranes : Understanding...
Plants do not have the sophisticated immunoglobulin immune systems of vertibrates, instead they posses a series of stimuli based responses which defend against pathogentic... -
Multilayering of Isostearic Methyl Ester Sulphonate at the Air-Aqueous Interf...
Surfactants usually form a single layer of molecules at the surface of water. We have shown that under certain conditions more than one layer may form. in which case the system... -
The Interaction of wild-type and mutant Puroindoline B with Model Bacterial M...
Bacterial and fungal infections of cereal crops pose a considerable risk to global food security. Typically plant pathogens are controlled through the use of chemical agents... -
A comparative NR study of interaction of short designed antimicrobial peptide...
The global increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has led to increasing interest in research focusing on the development and characterization of new antimicrobial... -
Binding behaviour of PAMAMs G5 and G4.5 to zwitterionic and anionic lipid bil...
Polymers are commonly used in drug delivery to create dosage forms that enable delivery of the active ingredient to the site of action within the body. Towards controlled drug...