Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 1987
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 1997
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2008 hälsa
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2009 livsstil
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2019 hälsa
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2019 livsstil
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were... -
WAG - Kvinnor och alkohol i Göteborg: Intervjuer 1989-1992
The study Women and Alcohol in Gothenburg (WAG) is a longitudinal study that started in 1986. WAG has data from three interview waves, 1989-1992, 1994-1998 and 2000-2002. It... -
WAG - Kvinnor och alkohol i Göteborg: Intervjuer 1994-1998
The study Women and Alcohol in Gothenburg (WAG) is a longitudinal study that started in 1986. WAG has data from three interview waves, 1989-1992, 1994-1998 and 2000-2002. It... -
WAG - Kvinnor och alkohol i Göteborg: Intervjuer 2000-2002
The study Women and Alcohol in Gothenburg (WAG) is a longitudinal study that started in 1986. WAG has data from three interview waves, 1989-1992, 1994-1998 and 2000-2002. It... -
Kvinnors hälsa i Lundabygden (WHILA) - inledande frågeformulär
The Women's Health in the Lund Area (WHILA) study invited all women (n = 10,766) living in the Lund area of Southern Sweden by 1995, who were born between 1935 and 1945. The... -
MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - enkät
The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma... -
MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - DNA
The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma... -
Populationsundersökningen av kvinnor i Göteborg (Kvinnoundersökningen, KVUS) ...
The population study of women in Gothenburg is a population study based at the University of Gothenburg. The study started as a cross-sectional study in 1968 including 1462... -
Populationsundersökningen av kvinnor i Göteborg (Kvinnoundersökningen, KVUS) ...
The population study of women in Gothenburg is a population study based at the University of Gothenburg. The study started as a cross-sectional study in 1968 including 1462... -
BEDA-undersökningen 1980
The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary... -
BEDA-undersökningen 1997
The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary...