Enkätdata från enkät om cybersäkerhetsträning och användbarhet av säkerhetsfu...
This data set was acquired using a survey which intends to measure: • Participants previous experience of cybersecurity training • Participants perception of ideal... -
Kommunal informationsverksamhet 1979
The purpose of this survey was to illustrate the information activities of the Swedish municipalities during a period of increasing need for local information, due to the... -
Norrmalmstorgsdramats behandling i radio och TV - Jämförelser med TT och sven...
This investigation on the news coverage of the bank robbery drama at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, August 1973, was made on the request of the Radio Committee. The aim was to... -
Opinionsledares världsbild 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' was requested to evaluate an... -
TV:s utlandsrapportering 1975 - jämförelse radio och TT - TV:s utlandsrapport...
On the request of the 1974 Swedish Broadcasting Committee this study of the Swedish television´s international reporting was made during the autumn of 1975 and the spring of... -
U-landsinformation 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' (Informationsstrategier -... -
Tanzania i svensk press 1974-1975
The aim of the study was to illustrate with a practical case the information about developing countries in the Swedish press, and to study how a joint information effort, the... -
Dagspressjournalister och utrikesinformationen 1974/1975
This study is a part of a research project about trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia (see SND 0146). The purpose of this survey was to... -
Journalist 1989
This survey forms part of the project 'Publicistisk sed'. The questions are divided into six blocks: employment, professional role and professional regulations; mass media... -
Opinion '90
One of the topics of this survey is reading habits and attitude to the local information paper 'Vårt Göteborg', published by the municipality of Göteborg. Six times a year the... -
Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - huvudundersökning
This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how... -
Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - Göteborgsundersökning
This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how... -
SIFO 1989: Det naturliga steget
This study was carried out by the Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research (SIFO) at the request of an environmental campaign called ´Det naturliga steget´. The first... -
SIFO 1989: Det naturliga steget_2
This study was carried out by the Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research (SIFO) at the request of an environmental campaign called ´Det naturliga steget´. The first... -
Opinion '88 - En undersökning om Göteborgarnas inställning till massmedia och...
In this survey a number of questions were put about mass media; the use of different kind of media, dailies regularly read and subscriptions, attitude toward starting a new... -
Lokalt miljöarbete 1995
This survey forms part of the project ´Local environmental work - A study of local conditions and the interplay between economy and politics´. Other surveys used within this... -
Vägar och trafik hösten 1993
In 1993 The Swedish National Road Administration decided to initiate a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads,... -
Vägar och trafik våren 1994
This is the second survey in a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and looking into how the products and... -
Vägar och trafik hösten 1994
This is the third survey in a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and looking into how the products and... -
Vägar och trafik våren 1995
This is the fourth survey in a series of surveys measuring and following up the general public´s experiences and usage of Swedish roads, and looking into how the products and...