On the Middle Course to the ´Right´: College instructors in Heidelberg 1914-1935
The data collection contains crime and socio-economic data for France for the years 1875 to 1891. Topics: Survey of various biographic data on e.g. religious affiliation,... -
The staff of the universities in the Federal Republic of Germany 1953-2005
Die Studie ist erschienen als Bd. X des Datenhandbuchs zur deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, eines arbeitsteiligen, von der DFG seit etwa 20 Jahren geförderten großen... -
Development of universities teaching staff, 1864 to 1953
The present study provides information on the development of the teaching staff of German universities and colleges from 1865 to 1953. The material tables are based on a... -
Subject differentiation at Universities in Germany, 1890 - 2000
Die Studie hat die Forschungsfrage untersucht, wie an Hochschulen neue Fächer im Bereich zwischen Chemie, Pharmazie und Biologie entstehen und welchen bisherigen Fachgruppen sie... -
Universities and Technical Colleges in a System of Innovation - a Germany-wi...
Survey of professors on knowledge transfer from universities. The focus of the survey was the range of the respective knowledge transfer channels and the intensity of their use... -
The Student Attitude Survey
Political attitudes and college political conduct of American students. Topics: Attributes of an ideal professor and image of the professors at the college; contacts and... -
College Barometer (Survey of Instructors at Colleges, Summer Semester 1974)
Occupation situation, career course and judgement on the situation at the colleges from the view of instructors. Topics: 1. Instructing activity and instructing situation: type... -
Ranking of West German Universities and Colleges
Judgement on learning conditions from the students´ perspective. Topics: Over-crowded and canceled courses; free choice of instructors and examiners; possibility of personal... -
Ranking List of West German Universities 1993
Learning conditions from the point of view of West German students. Topics: 1. Evaluation of study conditions: overcrowded or canceled courses; optimum number of participants... -
Ranking List of East German Universities 1993
Learning conditions from the point of view of East German students. Topics: 1. Judgement on current learning conditions in comparison to the situation at the university two... -
Research Conditions of Professors at West German Universities
Research conditions of professors at government scientific universities. Topics: Actual and desired time budget for teaching activity, examinations, research, university... -
University Investigation among Professors
Judgement on universities by Professors. Topics: Assessment of the best universities in field of specialization of respondent; most important reasons for classification of the... -
Temporal Patterns of Lecturers
Tatsächliche und gewünschte zeitliche Verteilung von Lehrveranstaltungen bei Hochschullehrern. Beurteilung von ´Zeit´. Themen: Körperliche oder psychische Beeinträchtigungen;... -
Career Paths of Professors in Germany
Beruflicher Werdegang, Arbeitsalltag, Vereinbarkeit von Professur und Familie, Rolle der Frauen in der Wissenschaft. Themen: Wichtigste Gründe für die Entscheidung für eine...