Phytoplankton pigment concentrations and phytoplankton groups measured on wat...
This data set composes a large amount of quality controlled in situ measurements of major pigments based on HPLC collected from various expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean... -
DMS/O/P cycling during a marine heatwave in the NE subarctic Pacific (August ...
This dataset is associated with the article "Exceptionally high dimethyl sulfide concentrations during a marine heatwave in the NE subarctic Pacific". The data was collected in... -
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in the Black Sea (29/03/2019) - Statio...
Within the frame of a study on the deep chlorophyll maximum in the Black Sea, water samples were collected conjointly to the deployment of a new Biogeochemical-Argo float (WMO... -
Data for: Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: In...
Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: We study olefin metathesis with a focus on isomers formed as by-products. For that purpose, a 2D-LC/MS system is... -
“Bottle” (during the CTD-O2 upcasts) and Surface data (discrete samples of salinity, oxygen, pigments, nutrients, pH and alkalinity) collected in the Gulf of Guinea during... -
Global HPLC phytoplankton pigment data compilation
Water depth is from the bathymetry data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/bathymetry/relief.html)Nitrate... -
Global HPLC phytoplankton pigment data compilation, Version 2
Water depth is from the bathymetry data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/bathymetry/relief.html)Nitrate... -
Data for: Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: In...
Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: We study olefin metathesis with a focus on isomers formed as by-products. For that purpose, a 2D-LC/MS system is... -
Replication data for: Biochemical changes after cold acclimation in Nordic re...
The data deposited here correspond to the content of analyzed metabolites (carbohydrates, amino acids and phenolic compounds) in red clover crowns before and after cold... -
Local scale HPLC phytoplankton pigments compilation
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Global and local scale HPLC phytoplankton pigments
This dataset includes: (1) global HPLC phytoplankton pigment dataset (with associated surface ocean temperature, salinity, water depth, and annual mean nitrate concentration... -
Apple pomace as potential source of oxidative stress protecting dihydrochalcones
Phloridzin, a natural dihydrochalcone, exhibits a wide range of beneficial effects and even broader applications, spanning from the pharmaceutical to the food industry. It is... -
Specific RubisCO activity of currently uncultured microorganisms inhabiting h...
In 2014 we described a new activity-based screen suited to seek active recombinant RubisCOs from the environment - independent of the native host's culturability. Within this... -
Specific RubisCO activities of yet uncultured Proteobacteria depending on fla...
Here we used the first solely activity-based approach for identifying RubisCO active fosmid clones from a metagenomic library. Hydrothermal vent fluids derived from the... -
Profiles of N, Fe, and S compounds - concentration and isotopes in the water ...
This dataset has no description
Surface summer phytoplankton pigment concentrations measured by HPLC during t...
Surface phytoplankton photosynthetic pigment concentrations were collected during the logistical austral summer cruise SANAE-56 from December 2016 to February 2017 on board the... -
Replication Data for: Phenolic concentrations and carbon/nitrogen ratio in an...
This dataset contains data about annual shoots of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus): phenolic, carbon and nitrogen concentrations after simulated herbivory. This data was analysed... -
Phytoplankton pigment data collected during the ABRACOS 1 and 2 surveys perfo...
Samples were collected during the “Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt (ABRACOS)” oceanographic campaigns, carried out in Austral spring (30 August - 20 September of 2015 -... -
Floating Bilayer Mimics of the Gram Negative Bacterial Outer Membrane
The gram-negative bacterial membrane is of extreme medical importance. The two main lipid components of the outer membrane are lipopolysaccharides (LPS's) and DOPE. We will... -
Oxidation of bilayer of DPPC on a mineral interface by aqueous OH radical ki...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric...