Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Arbeitgebende
Le projet de recherche contribue à répondre au Postulat Maury Pasquier (15.3793), qui demande au Conseil fédéral de préparer un rapport sur les interruptions de travail des... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2010
The ESS survey (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) emerged from the need to obtain comparative data in Europe on a number of issues of political... -
Les échanges dans le réseau de parenté: formes contemporaines de la réciproci...
This research project studies the contemporary forms of solidarity within close kinship. Who helps each other, and on what occasions? Is the network more anchored in the female... -
"Family tiMes": une enquête représentative de deux cohortes (1950-55 et 1970-...
Advanced modernity in Europe is characterized by both looser community ties than in the past and greater flexibility of social integration. This results in a gradual... -
Qualitative interviews on paternity leaves in Lausanne - 2012
Switzerland is one of the few European countries that have not implemented parental leave policies (parental or paternity leave). However, in the last decade the issue has been... -
Erst-Eltern vor und nach der Geburt ihres Kindes - 1994
The study contained two interrelated parts: First, a longitudinal study of parents (N = 369 fathers and mothers) with first-born children to determine the use of available... -
Situation des femmes en Suisse : Enquête auprès de femmes célibataires - 1971
Inspired by UNESCO's program and recommendations for the advancement of women, the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO set up an ad hoc working group in 1966 to undertake a... -
Wünsche und Einstellungen von Eltern zur freien Schulwahl - 2001
On behalf of the Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS), an exploratory study was conducted at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Zurich on the opinions and... -
Alleinerziehende Mütter in drei Stadtteilen von Zürich - 1993
The number of single parents in Switzerland is on the rise. However, empirical studies of the situation of this group are almost inexistant in this country. This is all the more... -
Befragung von Frauen zu ihrer Arbeitsbiographie unter besonderer Berücksichti...
The study investigated the position of women in the context of work, employment and family. The emphasis has been placed on biographical aspects such as education and training,... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Mütter
Le projet de recherche contribue à répondre au Postulat Maury Pasquier (15.3793), qui demande au Conseil fédéral de préparer un rapport sur les interruptions de travail des... -
Kinderbetreuung in zürcher Haushalten - 1993
The social changes of recent years have had a significant impact on families and family education. The focus here is on the increasing participation of women in education and... -
Situation des femmes en Suisse : Enquête auprès de couples mariés - 1971
Inspired by UNESCO's program and recommendations for the advancement of women, the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO set up an ad hoc working group in 1966 to undertake a... -
NCCR LIVES: Relationships in Later Life (IP212) - Waves 1+2
The loss of an intimate partner in the second half of life is a major challenge and a critical life event. Even if, for most individuals, a critical life event is stressful and... -
Mikrozensus Familie und Geburtenhäufigkeit - 1995
At the beginning of the 1990s, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) launched a project to conduct international comparative surveys on family and birth rates... -
MyLife. Interplay of work, family, and leisure
In the last decades, the interface between different life domains has become an issue in society as well as in science. This study focused on the conflict between work and... -
Familienstress im Übergang zum Jugendalter: Welle 1
Basierend auf einem Transaktionsmodell der kindlichen Entwicklung bei familiärem Stress untersuchte diese Studie: a) familiären Stress durch dysfunktionale Familienprozesse wie... -
Befragung zur Situation junger Mütter vor und nach der Geburt ihres ersten Ki...
Despite the growing literature on how "young families" are coping with the transition to parenting, there is still a great lack of validated knowledge. For example, the... -
Devenir parent - Données quantitatives longitudinales, 3 vagues
Research on the trajectories of couples shows quite consistently that the birth of the first child leads to a transformation of the family structure towards a more traditional... -
COUPLES - Social Stratification, Cohesion and Conflict in Contemporary Famili...
COUPLES (Social Stratification, Cohesion, and Conflict in Contemporary Couples) is a longitudinal survey composed of three waves (1998, 2004 and 2011), which aims to investigate...