7 datasets found

Keywords: Driver

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  • IntOGen - Cancer driver database (2013)

    Mutations, genes and pathways involved in tumorigenesis across 4,623 cancer genomes/exomes from 13 cancer sites. IntOGen-mutations identifies cancer drivers across tumor types....
  • IntOGen - Cancer Drivers Database (2014)

    This database contains information on the genes identified as drivers in Rubio-Perez and Tamborero et al. (2015). It contains information on driver identification at mutational,...
  • OncodriveRole

    Machine-learning based approach to classify cancer driver genes into to Activating or Loss of Function roles for cancer gene development.
  • OncodriveFM

    OncodriveFM detects candidate cancer driver genes and pathways from catalogs of somatic mutations in a cohort of tumors by computing the bias towards the accumulation of...
  • OncodriveFML

    Method to identify genomic regions, both coding and non-coding, bearing mutations with significant shift towards high functional impact across a cohort of tumos (FMbias), which...
  • Confident datasets of client, driver and negative proteins in liquid-liquid p...

    Proteins can form biomolecular condensates in a process called liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). These condensates can be formed by many proteins with different roles,...
  • Effect of alloying on the misfit of Ni-Ni3Al-Ni3V alloys

    Ni-base superalloys have long been used in high temperature applications, including the high-demand environments of the high pressure turbines in jet engines. The remarkable...
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