Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification, mass and shed rate of tropica...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used to compute a complete and consistent... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and pH of the extracellular calcifying fluid and...
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the growth and function of coral reef ecosystems. A key component to coral health is the microbiome, but little is known about the impact of... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rate of the corals Oculina pat...
In recent years, some of the ramifications of the ocean acidification problematic derived from the anthropogenic rising of atmospheric CO2 have been widely studied. In... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, calcification rate, oxygen production, maximum ...
The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in the calcifying algae Halimeda macroloba and Halimeda cylindracea and the symbiont-bearing... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, biomass and calcification of Porites spp. coral...
I tested the hypothesis that the effects of high pCO2 and temperature on massive Porites spp. (Scleractinia) are modified by heterotrophic feeding (zooplanktivory). Small... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processed during experiments with...
Uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the oceans is altering seawater chemistry with potentially serious consequences for coral reef ecosystems due to the reduction of seawater pH and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, nutrients, chlorophyll, and growth rate of Phae...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used to compute a complete and consistent... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth rate of a bloom forming macroalga
Introduction: The coastal macroalgal genus, Ulva, is found worldwide and is considered a nuisance algal genus due to its propensity for forming vast blooms. The response of Ulva... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic performance of Thalassiosira ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ocean acidification and nutrient level on the growth and photosynthetic performance of the diatom Thalassiosira... -
Colony-specific investigations reveal highly variable responses among individ...
As anthropogenic climate change is an ongoing concern, scientific investigations on its impacts on coral reefs are increasing. Although impacts of combined ocean acidification... -
Responses of three tropical seagrass species to CO2 enrichment
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to ocean acidification and carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment of seawater. Given the important ecological functions of seagrass meadows,... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, nutrients, chlorophyll and diatom Proboscia ala...
The combined effects of different light and aqueous CO2 conditions were assessed for the Southern Ocean diatom Proboscia alata(Brightwell) Sundström in laboratory experiments.... -
Copepod response to ocean acidification in a low nutrient-low chlorophyll env...
In order to identify how ocean acidification will influence biological interactions and fluxes among planktonic organisms and across trophic levels, a large-scale mesocosm... -
Svalbard 2010 team (2010): EPOCA Svalbard mesocosm experiment 2010 depth-inte...
Latest data set update: 9 October 2013. In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and morphology and nutrient physiology of the co...
We investigated the effect of decreased pH on the morphology and nutrient physiology of the cosmopolitan marine diatom Thalassiosira rotula (CCMP3362) by acclimating unialgal... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and physiology of strain CCMP 1334 of...
The marine cyanobacterium Synecococcus sp. (CCMP 1334) was grown in a continuous culture system on a 12:12 h light:dark cycle at all combinations of low and high pCO2 (400 and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and larva size, elemental composition of Pacific...
This study examines the effects of OA on embryonic and larval Pacific razor clams (Siliqua patula), a bivalve that produces a concretion during early shell development. Larvae... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and nutrient cycling in the Pocillopora damicorn...
In this study, we used controlled aquaria experiments to investigate the effects of acidification and elevated temperature treatments on nutrient cycling in the larval... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and nitrogen isotopic composition of marine diaz...
Here we examine the effects of CO2 concentrations on the biomass δ15N signatures of the diazotrophs Trichodesmium erythraeum and Crocosphaera watsonii, which utilize Mo‐Fe... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Montipora capitata and Porites compressa phy...
Following natural thermal stress in two consecutive years (2014 and 2015), we evaluated the effects of feeding and simulated ocean acidification on the physiological recovery of...