δ¹³Cvalues of downcore sediment organic matter at station PA900 in the Arabia...
Freeze-dried core tops from 8 stations between 900 and 3000 m for sedimentary organic matter, and punches from 0.7 µm GFF filters for suspended particulate organic matter, were... -
δ¹³C values of water column organic carbon in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum ...
Freeze-dried punches from 0.7 µm GFF filters for suspended particulate organic matter were decalcified with 2N HCl, washed, freeze-dried, and subjected to analysis via a Flash... -
δ¹³Cvalues of sediment organic matter in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone
Freeze-dried core tops from 8 stations between 900 and 3000 m for sedimentary organic matter were decalcified with 2N HCl, washed, freeze-dried, and subjected to analysis via a... -
(Table 2) Abundance of the detected intact polar lipids (IPL) in surface and ...
abundance per gram dry weight; 0 = not detected- DH isomers were detected as a GDGT with a glycosidically-bound hexose moieity on both ends of the core (I) and with one... -
(Table 1) Bottom water temperature and oxygen concentration, oxygen penetrati...
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Ladderane in Arabian Sea water samples
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Ladderane in Arabian Sea surface sediments
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Ladderane in sediment core PASOM_10
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Ladderane in sediment core PASOM_04
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Ladderane in sediment core PASOM_01B
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(Appendix 3) GDGT concentrations per IPL fraction
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(Appendix 2) Bottom water oxygen concentrations, maximum residence time in th...
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(Appendix 1) CL- and IPL-GDGT concentrations in surface sediments of the Arab...
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(Table 1) Organic carbon content, bottom water oxygen concentration, oxygen p...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Ladderane concentrations, NL5, and nutrients of particulate matter ...
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Concentrations and TEX86 values of GDGTs present as core lipids and derived f...
Glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether lipids (GDGTs) have proven to be important biomarker lipids for specific archaeal lineages and their distribution is used as a... -
Long chain alkyl diol distribution in Arabian Sea surface sediments
Oxygen exposure has a large impact on lipid biomarker preservation in surface sediments and may affect the application of organic proxies used for reconstructing past... -
Sediment geochemistry PASOM research cruise (2009) - Murray Ridge region, nor...
In this study, we investigate phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) cycling in sediments along a depth transect from within to well below the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the northern...