Vattenströmmar i Färöbankens kanal 1983
Measurements in the Faroe Bank Channel from the research vessel N/O SVANIC in May 1983. Mätningar av vattenströmmar i Färöbankens kanal (Faroe Bank Channel) från... -
Modellsimuleringar av luftkoncentration och deposition av Cs137 från Tjernoby...
Model simulations of air concentration and deposition of Cs137 from the Chernobyl accident. Model results are available for the European domain at six hour time resolution and a... -
Mapping of base cation deposition in the Nordic countries
Base cation deposition from the atmosphere provides, together with weathering, ions for neutralising acidity and, after sufficient reductions of acidifying deposition, a source... -
Observationer av "noctilucent clouds", Danmark 2011
Observations of noctilucent clouds include images in the jpg format and a summary of their occurrence during summer season from the end of May to the middle of August. The time... -
2000 års och 500-års temperaturrekonstruktioner för den extratropiska norra h...
We present two new multi-proxy reconstructions of the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere (30-90°N) mean temperature: a two-millennia long reconstruction reaching back to 1 AD... -
2000 års dekadaltemperaturrekonstruktion för den extratropiska norra halvklotet
Multi-proxy temperature reconstruction for the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere (90-30°N) during the last two millennia based on 30 palaeotemperature proxy records with annual... -
Lufttemperatur (dygnsmedelvärde), Tarfala forskningsstation 1965-2011
Daily mean air temperature from Tarfala Research Station 1965-2011 based on automatic weather recordings. From 1965 to 1989 air temperatures were measured with platinum... -
Bottenstress i Östersjön 1999-2000
Calculations of bottom friction velocity due to waves for five different particle sizes. Wave data are modelled with HYPAS, a second generation spectral wave model (Günther,... -
Oslofjorden 20-23 juni 2011, CTD och spridningshastigheter
Vertical profiles of stratification and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy along transects. The data were collected during the period June 20 to June 23, 2011 on... -
Förtöjd ADCP- och CTD-data från Oslofjorden
Velocity and CTD data från ADCPs and CT loggers moored at Ristsundet and Aspond in Oslo fjord between 20-23 June 2011. Ristsundet: Position: N59.7215, E10.5702 Water depth: 82... -
CTD-data för salt och temperatur i Kattegat under 2005 och 2006
In 2005 and 2006, planktonic egg surveys were conducted in February and March during the peak spawning period for Kattegat cod. The total survey period encompassed five weeks... -
Provfiske i Örserumsviken 2000-2009
Biological data from coastal water generated in recipient control programs i Kalmar County inSweden. The database consists of 13 tables. The data is generated from testfishing... -
Phytobenthos och zoobenthos i Örserumsviken 2000-2009
Biological data from costal water generated in Västervik, Kalmar County, Sweden. The database consists of 15 tables. The data was generated from biological sampling in... -
Phytobenthos i kustvatten i Blekinge och Kalmar län 1990-2012
This database consist of data generated in recipient control programs in Kalmar and Blekinge Counties, Sweden. The database consists of 22 tables. The data is mostly hard... -
Havströmmätningar med autonoma instrument
Results from current meters: Aanderaa, Geodyne and Sensordata used in various sites depending on several projects within the oceanograhic section at SMH during 1968-1998. NOTE:... -
Archived data from Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database
The Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (NCSCD) is a geospatial database created for the purpose of quantifying storage of organic carbon in soils of the northern... -
PCB i arktiskt ytvatten, 2001, 2005 och 2008
Data for water samples obtained during three expeditions to the Arctic Ocean in 2001, 2005, and 2008. Analyzed parameters are - individual PCB congener concentrations in... -
Isbädd topografi och istjocklek DEMS från Greenland Analogue Project (GAP)
We present ice thickness and bed topography digital elevation models (DEMs) of a land-terminating section of the Greenland Ice Sheet, based on a compilation of ground-based and... -
Avrinning och avrinningskemi från avrinningsområdena Risfallet och Gusseltjär...
Daily discharge (l/s) and runoff (mm/day) values, and monthly values on runoff chemistry from two small catchment areas; Risfallet (0.45 km2) and Gusseltjärn (0.87 km2) located... -
Koncentrationer av kvävdedioxid (NO2) i Sverige 2010
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM-10) concentrations in ambient air, in Shape format covering Sweden. Data represent annual mean values for year 2010 with 1 km...