Observations of noctilucent clouds include images in the jpg format and a summary of their occurrence during summer season from the end of May to the middle of August. The time intervals between taken images are as follows: 3 min is from 20 May until 9 June; 1 min is from 10 June until 24 July; this is a high NLC season; 3 min is from 25 July until 15 August. Images for a given night are contained in a single folder. The name of the folder corresponds to the first date of a given night, i.e., 2011-06-01 is for the night 01/02 June 2011. The data is divided into three zip packages, after collection period, and a zip package with readme file and excel file. Images for a given night are contained in a single folder. The name of the folder corresponds to the first date of a given night, i.e., 2011-06-01 is for the night 01/02 June 2011.
Observationer av "noctilucent clouds", nattlysande moln, i Danmark under maj till augusti 2011. Se engelska katalogsidan för fullständig beskrivning: https://snd.gu.se/en/catalogue/study/ECDS0082 Data är uppdelade i tre zip-paket, efter insamlingsperiod, samt ett zip-paket med readme-fil och excelfil.