Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen 1992-1995 : Netwerkstudie
This study is part of the programme Living arrangements and social networks of older adults ( Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen - LSN - ), containing the network... -
The double edge of networks at work 1994-1995
Analysis of the effect of informal networks on cooperation in social dilemmas Effort decision / approval of members towards each other / wage per unit of work / simulated... -
Scheiding in Nederland 1998 - SIN'98
Social and economic causes and consequences of divorce in the Netherlands since the 1940s. This study contains many questions about marriage, divorce, remarriage, fertility,... -
Aspecten van de levensloop van de Nederlandse bevolking, 2e tranche 1994 : ...
P1195a: present cultural activities: spending leisure time / time spent at mentioned activities. P1195b: past cultural activities: spending leisure time at the age of 15, 21 and... -
Vriendschappen en andere persoonlijke relaties 1990
The meaning of friendship. Composition of r.'s family / health complaints or obstacles in r.'s social life / most important aspects of contacts with people / availability of... -
Essays on actor perspectives in exchange networks and social dilemmas, 1999
Essays on actor models in exchange networks and social dilemmas. Measuring utility by means of the tradeoff method / relation between actors' utility and their behavior in... -
Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993
The "Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993" ( Netherlands Family Survey 1992 - 1993 ) is a dataset on socio-economic characteristics and family background of spouses (... -
Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - wave 3 - 2010-2011: A Multi-Actor, Multi-Me...
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study is a survey meant to improve our understanding of the dynamics of family relationships in the Netherlands. The NKPS-data are collected from... -
Social networks and intergroup conflict 2000
Conflicts between groups are among the most challenging problems of mankind. They arise as groups compete for the possession of certain scarce resources. Under what conditions... -
Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen 1992 : Hoofdstudie
This study is part of the programme Living arrangements and social networks of older adults ( Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen - LSN - ), containing the survey... -
Welbevinden bij ouderen 1993
Purpose of this study is the construction of a measurement instrument on well-being among the elderly by means of facet design. Six different well-being questionnaires have been... -
The Arnhem School Study (TASS) Primary School Module
Primary school module (Waves 1, 2, and 3) of The Arnhem School Study Date: Data collection period: 2007-06-30 - 2008-04-11 Valid: 2008-04-11 Valid: 2007-06-30 -
Huishoudens in Nederland 1995 - HIN'95
A survey of the composition, characteristics and internal organization of Dutch households, with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships. Education... -
Omnibusonderzoek Nieuwegein 1999 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Nieuwegein Services of the municipality / housing situation / cultural facilities / leisure and social network / the new city centre / work and... -
Maatschappelijke participatie alleenstaanden 1993
Social and occupational participation and living conditions of adults living in one-person households or single-parent households. Living without partner / relationships with... -
Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - Wave 2 - 2006-2007: A Multi-Actor, Multi-Me...
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study is a survey meant to improve our understanding of the dynamics of family relationships in the Netherlands. The NKPS-data are collected from... -
Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - Wave 4 - 2014: A Multi-Actor, Multi-Method ...
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study is a survey meant to improve our understanding of the dynamics of family relationships in the Netherlands. The NKPS-data are collected from... -
Innovation adoption as a socio-economic process 1993 : The case of the Ghanai...
Survey on the economic and social circumstances important to the adoption of a new (hybride) type of cocoa tree by Ghanaian local farmers. Adopters and non-adopters have been... -
Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - Wave 1 - 2002-2004: A Multi-Actor, Multi-M...
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) involves the development of a database that allows the examination of family and kinship in the Netherlands from a dynamic multi-actor... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019
In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes...