HST/COS far-UV spectra of AU Microscopii flares
High-energy X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) radiation from young stars impacts planetary atmospheric chemistry and mass loss. The active ~22Myr M-dwarf AU-Mic hosts two exoplanets... -
Properties of 125 M-dwarfs in the southern CVZ
The evolution of magnetism in late-type dwarfs remains murky, as we can only weakly predict levels of activity for M dwarfs of a given mass and age. We report results from our... -
Radial velocity of Gliese 411 with APF and HIRES
We perform a detailed characterization of the planetary system orbiting the bright, nearby M dwarf Gliese 411 using radial velocities gathered by APF, HIRES, SOPHIE, and... -
Photometry and radial velocity of LTT 1445A
LTT1445 is a hierarchical triple M-dwarf star system located at a distance of 6.86pc. The primary star LTT1445A (0.257M{sun}) is known to host the transiting planet LTT1445Ab... -
VRI photometry and radial velocity of TOI-1759
We report the discovery and characterization of TOI-1759b, a temperate (400K) sub-Neptune-sized exoplanet orbiting the M-dwarf TOI-1759 (TIC408636441). TOI-1759b was observed by... -
HARPS radial velocity follow up of TOI-1634
Studies of close-in planets orbiting M dwarfs have suggested that the M-dwarf radius valley may be well explained by distinct formation timescales between enveloped terrestrials... -
Radial velocity follow up of Barnard's star with HPF
Barnard's star is among the most studied stars given its proximity to the Sun. It is often considered the radial velocity (RV) standard for fully convective stars due to its RV... -
Infrared spectra of V838 Monocerotis with SOFIA
Luminous Red Variables are most likely eruptions that are the outcome of stellar mergers. V838Mon is one of the best-studied members of this class, representing an archetype for... -
HARPS radial velocity follow up of GJ 1214
We present an intensive effort to refine the mass and orbit of the enveloped terrestrial planet GJ1214b using 165 radial velocity (RV) measurements taken with the HARPS... -
Transits time of M-dwarf TOI-1749
We report the discovery of one super-Earth- (TOI-1749b) and two sub-Neptune-sized planets (TOI-1749c and TOI-1749d) transiting an early M dwarf at a distance of 100pc, which... -
Minerva-Australis radial velocity of AU Mic
We report measurements of the sky-projected spin-orbit angle for AU Mic b, a Neptune-size planet orbiting a very young (~20Myr) nearby pre-main-sequence M-dwarf star, which also... -
Astrometry for 14 debris disk stars with SPHERE
Debris disk stars are good targets for high-contrast imaging searches for planetary systems, since debris disks have been shown to have a tentative correlation with giant... -
THYME. IV. 3 Exoplanets around TOI-451 B
Young exoplanets can offer insight into the evolution of planetary atmospheres, compositions, and architectures. We present the discovery of the young planetary system TOI-451... -
M dwarfs with masses 0.1<~M/M{sun}<~0.3 within 15pc
M dwarfs with masses 0.1<~M/M{sun}<~0.3 are under increasing scrutiny because these fully convective stars pose interesting astrophysical questions regarding their... -
Sample of 45 H{alpha}EW outliers
In this work, we calibrate the relationship between H{alpha} emission and M-dwarf ages. We compile a sample of 892 M-dwarfs with H{alpha} equivalent width (H{alpha}EW)... -
A sample of 7146 M or K-dwarfs from KIC and Gaia
The planet-metallicity correlation serves as a potential link between exoplanet systems as we observe them today and the effects of bulk composition on the planet formation... -
The Solar Neighborhood. XLVII. Mdwarfs with STIS
We use HST/STIS optical spectroscopy of 10 M-dwarfs in five closely separated binary systems to test models of M-dwarf structure and evolution. Individual dynamical masses... -
Radial velocities of M-dwarf LTT 3780 with HARPS
We present the confirmation of two new planets transiting the nearby mid-M dwarf LTT3780 (TIC36724087, TOI-732, V=13.07, Ks=8.204, Rs=0.374R{sun}, Ms=0.401 M{sun}, d=22pc). The... -
HPF RVs and TESS photometry of TOI-1266
We report on the validation of two planets orbiting the nearby (36pc) M2 dwarf TOI-1266 observed by the TESS mission. This system is one of a few M dwarf multiplanet systems... -
TOI-1235 Radial velocities & optical spectroscopy
Small planets on close-in orbits tend to exhibit envelope mass fractions of either effectively zero or up to a few percent depending on their size and orbital period. Models of...