Regional Data VZ 1970 (States)
Population data at state level based on the census of 1970. Topics: area in square kilometers; residential population at the points in time 1939, 1950, 1961 and 1970; marital... -
Regional Data VZ 1970 (Administrative Districts)
Population data at administrative district level based on the census of 1970. Topics: area in square kilometers; residential population at the points in time 1939, 1950, 1961... -
Regional Data VZ 1970 (Districts)
Population data at the district level based on the census of 1970. Topics: area in square kilometers; residential population at the points in time 1939, 1950, 1961 and 1970;... -
Report System Further Training ´88
Type and extent of measures for further education, their providers and technical main focus areas as well as interest of Germans in learning. Topics: Frequency of selected... -
Eurobarometer 28.1 (Oct-Nov 1987)
Description of the work and training situation of young people. Attitude to European unification. Topics: Contentment with life and satisfaction with democracy in the country;... -
City Data (67 Large Cities in the Federal Republic of Germany)
Social and economic figures for 67 large West German cities. The data aggregated at city level have been collected for most topics over several years, but not necessarily over... -
Use and Abuse of Illegal Drugs, Alcoholic Drinks, Medications and Tobacco Pr...
Use and abuse of illegal drugs, alcoholic drinks, medications and tobacco products. Topics: Parental home, education, leisure time: most important child-raising authorities... -
Courses of Life and Historical Change in East Germany (Life History Study LV ...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, education and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Courses of Life and Social Change: Courses of Life and Welfare Development (L...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, education and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Courses of Life and Social Change: The Between-the-War Cohort in Transition t...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, education and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Courses of Life and Social Change: The Between-the-War Cohort in Transition t...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, education and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Courses of Life and Social Change: Access to Occupation in Employment Crisis ...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, training and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Eurobarometer 44.0 (Oct-Nov 1995)
Judgement on the European currency; health questions; European Union; school and further education; family and provision for old age. Topics: interest in politics; personal... -
Eurobarometer 44.1 (Nov-Dec 1995)
Attitude to the EU, European unification, the currency union. Purchase preferences of foods. Defense questions of the EU. Third world. Attitude of young people to education.... -
Panel of the University of the Arts in Berlin 1975 - 1995
Socio-cultural changes of values. Consumer habits and conduct in media reception. Communicative effect research. Life style. Topics: the data set contains 51 survey... -
Education of the Germans Part A
Knowledge test in the areas knowledge of German, religion, sports, politics, history, law, science and music. Topics: knowledge of selected personalities from politics, sport... -
Education of the Germans: Part B
Knowledge test in the areas mathematics, computers, geography, cars, traffic, daily life, economy, literature, theater and art. Topics: degree of familiarity of selected... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1980-86 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1986 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwis...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
Perspective Germany 2001 (Release 2)
Leistungsbereitschaft und Verantwortungsbereitschaft. Einstellung zur Gesellschaft, zu Bildung und Geldanlagen. Erwerbssituation. Themen: 1. Rahmendaten: Lebenszufriedenheit in...