Eurobarometer 52.1 (Nov-Dec 1999)
The major topics are: 1. science and technology 2. quality of life 3. information technologies 4. logos/symbols 5. consumer protection. Topics: 1. science and technology:... -
Flash Eurobarometer 72 (EOS Managers 17 - The Single Market)
Allgemeine Merkmale der Unternehmen und ihre Aktivitäten auf dem Binnenmarkt. 2. Die Öffnung der Grenzen für den europäischen Handel und der freie Verkehr von Gütern,... -
Industrial Fair Studies
Trade fair as source of information about other countries. Topics: regularity of visits to trade fairs; impression of pavillons visited of the various countries at the show;... -
Berlin Youth Exhibit
Opinion on an exhibition in the Marshall house and attitude to the USA. Topics: view on various countries (Great Britain, France, USA, USSR); opinion on various areas of life in... -
Flash Eurobarometer 84 (The Single Market - Special Target: Enterprises)
Allgemeine Merkmale der Unternehmen und ihre Aktivitäten auf dem Binnenmarkt. 2. Bewertung der Funktionsfähigkeit und Leistung des europäischen Binnenmarktes. 3. Erweiterung... -
Eurobarometer 55.1 (Apr-May 2001)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 93 (Special Target: Cross Border Trade Survey)
Erfahrungen von Unternehmen im europäischen Binnenmarkt und Einschätzung der Funktionsfähigkeit des europäischen Binnenmarktes. Themen: Existenz einer Niederlassung oder Pläne... -
Flash Eurobarometer 106 (EOS Managers 29 - Internal Market 5)
Ansichten des Unternehmens zu Gesetzen und Vorschriften im eigenen Land sowie den EU-Ländern. Einschätzung der Behinderung der eigenen Geschäftstätigkeit durch die Bürokratie.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 113 (Special Target: Persons Responsible for Purchase of ...
Erfahrungen mit verpackten oder in Flaschen abgefüllten Produkten in Geschäften und Supermärkten. Themen: Verdruss über unterschiedliche Größen bzw. Gewichte bei abgepackten... -
Flash Eurobarometer 128 (Cross-Border Commerce)
Business and advertising practices of companies within the EU. Topics: impact of the following factors on cross-border sales of the company: development of internet and... -
Eurobarometer 60.3 (Nov-Dec 2003)
This round of Eurobarometer surveys sought public opinion on issues of time usage and product safety instructions. Topics: Respondents were asked about their current employment... -
Flash Eurobarometer 150 (Quality of Services)
Satisfaction with selected services. Topics: use of the following services: mobile telephony, natural gas, postal services for regular mail, local transport, air transport, rail... -
Perspective Germany 2004/05 (Release 2)
Beurteilung der Region in der der Befragte lebt. Einstellung zu gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen. Themen: 1. Hauptteil: derzeitige und zukünftig erwartete... -
Credit and Debit 6
Einstellung zum Geld und Verhalten bei der Anlage von Geld sowie Vermögen. Themen: Einschätzung der persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zukunft (optimistische... -
Flash Eurobarometer 174 (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Access to Finance)
Access to finance of small and medium enterprises. Topics: development of the following indicators in the last six months: turnover, profit, profit margin, level of debt, cash... -
Flash Eurobarometer 180 (The Internal Market)
Attitudes of companies towards the European Internal Market. Topics: impact of each of the following EU Single Market measures on the company’s activities: product standards,... -
Flash Eurobarometer 190 (Internal Market: Opinion and experiences of Business...
Managers’ attitude towards the changes of the general economic conditions. Topics: Area of responsibility of the interviewees; company size: branch; number of business partner... -
Eurobarometer 65.1 (Feb-Mar 2006)
The future of Europe. Attitude towards the European Single Market and transborder purchases. Consumer protection. Family planning. Topics: 1. Questions regarding Europe:... -
Flash Eurobarometer 187 (Innobarometer 2006)
Companies operating in clusters. Topics: geographically close linkages with suppliers and service providers; cooperation with other firms, universities, or administrative bodies... -
Flash Eurobarometer 212 (Attitudes towards the planned EU pilot project "Eras...
Attitudes of representatives of start-up counselling and support organisations towards the planned EU pilot project ´Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs´. Topics: 1. Information...