Vox 103 - Votation du 26.09.2010
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 65 - Votation du 29.11.1998
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Standardisierte Umfragen VoxIt
Depuis 1977, une enquête est réalisée en Suisse après toutes les votations fédérales, offrant un éclairage sur le vote des citoyennes et des citoyens. Jusqu’en juin 2016, ces... -
Interviewcollectie Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Indonesië, interview 1627
Dit interview bestaat uit drie gesprekken: 1627.1, 1627.2 en 1627.3. 1627.1 De geïnterviewde vertelt hoe hij opgroeide in Indië en gaat in op zijn schooltijd. Toen hij net met... -
Arbeitswelt und Politik
Die Integration von abhängig beschäftigten Personen in der Schweiz erfolgte in der Vergangenheit auf zwei Weisen. Im Bereich kollektiver Arbeitsbeziehungen wurden Arbeitnehmer... -
VOTO 11: Swiss Popular Vote 19.05.2019
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal voting the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
Content Analysis of Political Claims-Making
The MERCI project compares collective actions by migrants, xenophobes, and antiracists in Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Revealing striking... -
Analysis of Social Movement Organizations
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Conceptions and Practices of Democracy Among Global Activists
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Standardized Observation of Controversies in Social Movement Organizations
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
VOTO 12: Swiss Popular Vote 09.02.2020
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal voting the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
Entretiens semi-directifs avec les hauts fonctionnaires (1980)
Les hauts fonctionnaires de la Confédération helvétique constituent une élite non seulement du fait de leur position au sommet de la hiérarchie administrative, mais aussi parce... -
VOTO 13: Swiss Popular Vote 27.09.2020
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal voting the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
VOTO Studies: Standardized Post-Vote Surveys, 2016-2020
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal ballot the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
The Impact of Municipality Mergers on Political Participation
The citizen assembly of the Swiss canton Glarus decided to radically reduce the historical number of communes from 25 to three. Studies show that the financial and economic... -
Befragung von Gemeindeschreibern in der Schweiz über Gemeindereformen - 1998
Diese Forschungsbeschreibung bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Studien, die im Verlauf der Zeit über die Schweizer Gemeinden geführt wurden, aber im Forschungsverzeichnis von FORS... -
Befragung von schweizer Stimmberechtigten zur politischen Partizipation auf l...
Local democracy is undoubtedly related to the size of the municipality. So far, however, we know little about this influence. Neither theoretically nor empirically has this... -
Votations fédérales: résultats et prises de position des partis et des groupe...
The aim of this research is to analyse the influence of party slogans and the main interest groups on the behaviour of citizens during federal votes, by distinguishing between... -
Befragung der Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik zu Themen wie Gesetzg...
The aim of the project was the analysis of political decision-making processes in the pre-parliamentary domain at the federal level in Switzerland. In addition to the procedures... -
Actes législatifs votés par l'Assemblée fédérale au cours de la législature 1...
The institutional arrangements that characterize the Swiss, corporatist-like, decision-making system were designed at a time when the impact of the "outside world" on both the...