1,011 datasets found

Keywords: line intensities

Filter Results
  • DIB 661.3nm in Cepheid spectra

    We have investigated the diffuse interstellar band (DIB) at 661.3nm seen in the spectra of Cepheid stars. After removal of the blending lines of ionized yttrium and neutral...
  • Eclipsing binaries MgI b and H{alpha} EW

    I have reinterpreted Rucinski's line profiles (broadening functions) for the hot A-type W Ursae Majoris binary AW UMa in terms of various contact models, finding that the...
  • RGB stars in NGC 6822, Ca II triplet

    We present a detailed analysis of the chemistry and kinematics of red giants in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. Spectroscopy at ~8500{AA} was acquired for 72 red giant...
  • CaII triplet in red giant spectra

    Measurements are presented and analysed of the strength of the CaII triplet lines in red giants in Galactic globular and open clusters, and in a sample of red giants in the LMC...
  • SDSS DLA and absorber quasar samples

    The dust content of damped Lyman {alpha} systems (DLAs) is an important observable for understanding their origin and the neutral gas reservoirs of galaxies. While the average...
  • DIBs in Magellanic Clouds and Milky Way

    Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) trace warm neutral and weakly ionized diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). Here we present a dedicated, high signal-to-noise spectroscopic survey...
  • 188 CIV BAL QSOs from SDSS DR7

    The variability of broad absorption lines (BALs) is investigated for a sample of 188 BAL quasars (QSOs) (z>1.7) with at least two epoch observations from the Sloan Digital...
  • Abundance ratio for 5 local stellar associations

    We have observed high-dispersion echelle spectra of main-sequence stars in five nearby young associations - Argus, Carina-Near, Hercules-Lyra, Orion and Subgroup B4 - and...
  • NIR spectroscopy of Galactic WR stars. III

    A new method of image subtraction is applied to images from a J, K, and narrow-band imaging survey of 300 deg2 of the plane of the Galaxy, searching for new Wolf-Rayet (WR)...
  • Lithium abundance of solar-like stars

    We report on the determination of the lithium abundance [A(Li)] of 52 solar-like stars. For 41 objects the A(Li) here presented corresponds to the first measurement. We have...
  • Circumnuclear star-forming regions

    We present photometry in U, B, V, R and I continuum bands and in H{alpha} and H{beta} emission lines for a sample of 336 circumnuclear star-forming regions located in early-type...
  • Emission lines for SDSS Coronal-Line Forest AGNs

    We introduce Coronal-Line Forest active galactic nuclei (CLiF AGN), AGN which have a rich spectrum of forbidden high-ionization lines (FHILs, e.g. [FeVII], [FeX] and [NeV]), as...
  • New PMS K/M Stars in Upper Scorpius

    We present 237 new spectroscopically confirmed pre-main-sequence K- and M-type stars in the young Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Sco-Cen association, the nearest region of...
  • Line list for seven target PAndAS clusters

    Detailed chemical abundances are presented for seven M31 outer halo globular clusters (with projected distances from M31 greater than 30 kpc), as derived from high-resolution...
  • Equivalent width of 21 RR Lyrae stars

    We have analysed a sample of 18 RR Lyrae stars (17 fundamental-mode - RRab - and one first overtone - RRc) and three Population II Cepheids (two BL Her stars and one W Vir...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC752

    We present detailed chemical compositions of 10 red giant star members of the Galactic (open) cluster NGC 752, derived from high-resolution (R~60000), high signal-to-noise...
  • Chemical analysis of CH stars. II.

    We present detailed chemical analyses for a sample of 12 stars selected from the CH star catalogue of Bartkevicius (1996BaltA...5..217B). The sample includes two confirmed...
  • Velocities and EW of PTF SNe Ia

    We present an investigation of the optical spectra of 264 low-redshift (z<0.2) Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory, an untargeted...
  • CaII absorbers in SDSS QSOs

    We present the results of a survey for CaII {lambda}{lambda}3934,3969 absorption-line systems culled from ~95000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 and Data Release...
  • GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of Galaxy groups

    We present the data release of the Gemini-South GMOS spectroscopy in the fields of 11 galaxy groups at 0.8<z<1, within the COSMOS field. This forms the basis of the Galaxy...
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