We introduce Coronal-Line Forest active galactic nuclei (CLiF AGN), AGN which have a rich spectrum of forbidden high-ionization lines (FHILs, e.g. [FeVII], [FeX] and [NeV]), as well as relatively strong narrow (~300 km/s) H{alpha} emission when compared to the other Balmer transition lines. We find that the kinematics of the CLiF emitting region are similar to those of the forbidden low-ionization emission-line (FLIL) region. We compare emission line strengths of both FHILs and FLILs to cloudy photoionization results and find that the CLiF emitting region has higher densities (10^4.5^<n_H_<10^7.5^/cm^3^) when compared to the FLIL emitting region (10^3.0^<n_H_<10^4.5^/cm^3^). We use the photoionization results to calculate the CLiF regions radial distances (0.04<R_CLiF_<32.5 pc) and find that they are comparable to the dust grain sublimation distances (0.10<R_SUB_<4.3 pc). As a result, we suggest that the inner torus wall is the most likely location of the CLiF region, and the unusual strength of the FHILs is due to a specific viewing angle giving a maximal view of the far wall of the torus without the continuum being revealed.
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/448/2900/table1 (Basic properties of the CLiF AGN sample)