Magnetic structure of a novel quantum magnet
Preliminary bulk measurements show that Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 is a potentially exciting candidate for studies of low-dimensional magnetism. However, currently relatively little is... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Multiferroic Ammonium Formates NH4M(HCO2)3...
The NH4M(formate)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) series are the most promising members of a new family of multiferroics in which ferroelectric ordering is driven by hydrogen-bonding... -
Magnetic Structure of the double charge ordered multiferroic perovskites HgMn...
Understanding the magnetic structure of the perovskite manganites has been a significant field of research over the past 20 year due of their numerous technologically relevant... -
Spin correlations and order in titanates exhibiting spin Jahn-Teller antiferr...
The spin Jahn-Teller effect stabilises 3D magnetic order in an otherwise frustrated system via magnetoelastic coupling, spontaneously at the magnetic phase transition. Examples... -
Investigation for pressure-induced ferroelectric polarization flop phenomenon...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments under high-pressure on multiferroic TbMnO3 using WISH in combination with hybrid-anvil-type high-pressure device. Recently,... -
High-pressure effect on the magnetic ordering in frustrated antiferromagnet C...
Test of the NIMS low temperature pressure cell on WISH. -
High field study of multipiezo Pb2MnO4
Manganese based oxides are of great interest for both spintronic and multiferroic applications.Pb2MnO4 crystallizes in the acentric but non-polar space group P-421c which allows... -
Probing the Effect of Applied Field on Magnetocaloric Tb(HCO2)3
The 1D ferromagnetic coupling within the chains of Tb(HCO2)3 appears to play a key role in its greater magnetic cooling performance above 4 K, compared to Gd(HCO2)3. Furthermore... -
Ionic and electronic conductors the magnetic structure behind cathode materia...
Ni rich layered oxides are promising cathode materials for Li-ion batteries since they fulfil the energy density requirements of the automobile industry but they tend to degrade... -
Investigation of Magnetic Structures in the Monoclinic and Orthorhombic Polym...
Ferroelectricity induced by magnetic ordering with certain type of magnetic structure has received much attention because it provides opportunity to manipulate magnetization by... -
Quantum Methyl Rotors for Gas Sensing in Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8
We aim to utilise Low-Energy Neutron Scattering (LENS) at OSIRIS to investigate the effects of gas adsorption on the quantum rotation of the methyl groups present in a Metal... -
Anomalously slow magnetic relaxation in a multi-q helimagnetic phase of SrFeO3
Non-coplanar magnetic orders in metallic helimagnets have been of great interest since the discovery of a vortex-like spin-swirling object called "skyrmion" and the resulting... -
Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnetism in a Molecular Framework
The exotic physics of low-dimensional quantum magnets has recently been highlighted by the award of a Nobel Prize to Duncan Haldane. We have identified the molecular framework... -
Magnetic and nuclear structure in a new S=0.5 kagome antiferromagnet, SrCu3V2...
S=0.5 kagome antiferromagnets (KAFM) provide the most promising model system for realising the Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) state. Several S=0.5 KAFM materials are currently... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Topochemically Oxidised A-site Ordered Mat...
The control of physical properties through cation ordering in perovskites often gives rise to unexpected and desirable functionality. Of particular interest in the preparation... -
Investigations of some potentially multiferroic/magnetoelectric rare earth ta...
Multiferroics - where ferroelectric and magnetic orders co-exist - continue to be of technological and scientific importance, and of particular interest are the improper... -
Possible Magnetic new Fermions in Materials with the Pyrite Crystal Structure
In oder to understand our universe, we built large research facilities such as the LHC in Switzerland, which can be used to find new particles. In the solid state, such... -
Investigation of Magnetic Structures in magnetoelectric multiferroic Gd0.5Dy0...
Ferroelectricity in type-II multiferroics is induced by breaking of inversion symmetry by certain type of spin structure below the magnetic ordering temperature. Therefore, a... -
Crystal and Magnetic structure of CoFe3O5
A recent exciting development in magnetic materials was the discovery of a new iron oxide, Fe4O5, using high temperature and high pressure. A very recent structural study has... -
Investigation of the correlations above TN in PdCrO2
In recent years there has been a large interest in geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, especially those with spins interacting on two-dimensional triangular lattices...