Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnetism in a Molecular Framework


The exotic physics of low-dimensional quantum magnets has recently been highlighted by the award of a Nobel Prize to Duncan Haldane. We have identified the molecular framework material Cu(SCN)2 as a promising candidate for quantum-disordered magnetism. This material does not order magnetically down to 2 K, despite large magnetic interactions (~120 K), indicating strong effects of quantum mechanics, frustration, and/or dimensionality. We propose to measure high-resolution neutron-diffraction data on Cu(SCN)2 to obtain: (1) an unambiguous crystal-structure solution (2) the build-up of spin correlations in the paramagnetic regime, as probed by magnetic diffuse scattering and (3) the nature of magnetic order at the lowest temperatures (0.05 K). These measurements are important to reveal the potential of molecular framework materials to behave as model quantum magnets.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/ISIS.E.86387414
Metadata Access https://icatisis.esc.rl.ac.uk/oaipmh/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:icatisis.esc.rl.ac.uk:inv/86387414
Creator Dr Pascal Manuel; Dr Joe Paddison; Dr Matthew Cliffe
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2020
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)stfc.ac.uk
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics
Temporal Coverage Begin 2017-05-24T07:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2017-05-26T08:15:38Z