Understanding the relationship between glass composition and rare earth envir...
We wish to investigate the effect of glass composition on the environment of rare earth ions doped into chalcogenide glasses. To achieve this the series of glasses, yNd2S3 ¿... -
Structure of Cellulose Nanofibril Gels
This proposal is part of a new project based on understanding the formation of gels in suspensions of partially oxidised cellulose nanofibrils with small amounts of salt or... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Structural Studies of High Level Waste Glass
The aim of this proposal is to develop a methodology to investigate multicomponent glass structure, combining neutron diffraction, XRD, NMR, ab initio MD, and RMC. We wish to... -
The effect of combined modifiers: understanding the interactions between alka...
The mixed alkali effect is a well-known phenomenon whereby combining two alkalis in a ternary glass system can produce physical properties which can be superior to, but cannot... -
Understanding transition metal, oxygen and proton local order in proton condu...
Proton conducting materials have received widespread attention in recent years, due to their rich potential in the areas of energy related research, sensors and membranes. Here,... -
Xpress Data Collection on Polaris Cycle 2017/1
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Characterising new high-pressure phases of ammonia monohydrate
Over the past two years I have carried out high-pressure surveys of the ammonia monohydrate (AMH) phase diagram using a Paris-Edinburgh press mounted on the D20 beam-line at the... -
A High-pressure Study of the Crystal Structures of CsDF2, ND4DF2 & TlDF2
This proposal seeks PEARL and HRPD beam time to study the pressure and temperature dependence of the crystal structures of deuterated caesium, ammonium and thallium bifluoride.... -
Li(MeNH2)4: Poor Metal, Worse Metal, and Magnet
We request 2 days on GEM to determine the structure of crystalline Li(MeNH2)4: we will be preparing the fully deuterated analogue. Our investigations into the magnetic state of... -
Textured magnetic phases at a ferromagnetic quantum phase transition
Quantum critically is a unifying theme across correlated electron physics. Classical or thermal phase transitions occur at nonzero temperature and are driven by thermal... -
High-Pressure Investigation of the Ferroelectric ND4IO3
We propose a high-pressure neutron powder diffraction study of the crystal structure of deuterated ammonium iodate, ND4IO3, which is known to undergo a ferroelectric phase... -
High-pressure studies of energetic materials
This proposal seeks to identify and characterise high-pressure polymorphs of the energetic materials hydroxylammonium perchlorate, CL-20, diaminodinitroethene (FOX-7), and... -
The high pressure structure of cobalt-bearing silicate glasses
The aim of this proposal is to examine the pressure induced changes in the structure of two cobalt-bearing silicate glasses. Transition metals such as cobalt can adopt different... -
High-pressure and high-temperature studies of N-guanylurea dinitramide (FOX-1...
The aims of this proposal are to explore the high-pressure, high-temperature behaviour of 2 important energetic materials - N-guanylurea dinitramide (FOX-12) and... -
Simultaneous SANS and modulated SESANS to resolve growth of surfactant-templa...
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Structural role of magnesium in aluminosilicate glass
A combination of high real-space resolution neutron diffraction and 27Al and 29Si NMR experiments will be used to measure the structure of glassy MgO-Al2O3-SiO2. A focus will be... -
Thermal expansion and ordering in D2O ice III / IX
The high-pressure form of solid water, ice III, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures from about 2.0 - 3.5 kbar. Consequently, its properties are... -
The Crystal Structure of the Novel Ionic Conductor Ba3Nb0.7V0.3MoO8.5
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High-pressure studies of inorganic azides
This proposal seeks to identify and structurally characterise the high-pressure phases of the azide salts of sodium, silver, lead, and the ammonium ion. Azides are examples of...