Electron Spin Relaxation Studies In the 5,7-Br/Cl/I Substituted Aluminium- Hy...
We have recently performed high field ALC measurements on the polycrystalline Metal Tris(Hydroxy-quinolate), MQ3, series in order to further investigate the intrinsic electron... -
Vibrational Neutron Spectroscopy Studies of Porous Metal-Organic Framework Ma...
The research of new porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is receiving considerable attention worldwide owing to their potential for gas adsorption, storage and separation.... -
Comparison of the Compression Behaviour of BaSnO3 and Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3
We propose to study the effect of pressure on the structure of the tetragonal Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3, The behaviour will be compared to the compression of the cubic BaSnO3 (parent... -
Determination of type-2 cycloidal ordering in BiFeO3 thin films
Multiferroics have recently aroused a large interest in the community, opening the route to promising applications especially in spintronics. Among multiferroics, BiFeO3 (BFO)... -
A series of robust metal-organic frameworks with exceptional capability for h...
We seek to develop new stable MOFs for practical gas separation and request 3 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites of adsorbed gas molecules (CD4, C2D4 and C2D2)... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked... -
In-situ hydrogen decomposition studies of ammonia borane and the diammoniate ...
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most promising hydrogen storage materials. We have extensively studied the low temperature behaviour of this material This proposal asks for 3... -
Metastable phase formation and memory effects in barium borate glasses.
BaB4O7 glass crystallises to different polymorphs of the same composition depending on the prior thermal history of the glass and the surface area of the sample. This indicates... -
Characterization of the texture properties of Euro coins as a function of min...
This work intends to see if a diffraction technique is able to distinguish between coins minted in different places. All the physical properties of euro coins were restricted by... -
Adsorption of perfluoroalkyl substances to solid soil interface to elucidate ...
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are stable compounds and commercially desirable. They are widely used, for example, as surfactants in textile and paper products and in aqueous... -
V plate 3mm SC Pos 0 25C Jaws 30x30mm2 Beam Scraper 30mm diameter
This dataset has no description
CuH: a (nearly) 200 year old problem
Copper (I) hydride, CuH, is unique amongst the binary metal hydrides in that it can be synthesised, at room temperature, in aqueous solution. In recent years CuH generated in... -
Structural studies of Staufen1 in complex with Upf1, a crucial assembly in ge...
Gene expression is regulated during both the synthesis and the decay of mRNAs. Various pathways of cytoplasmic mRNA decay exist. These include ARE-mediated decay, miRNA-Mediated... -
Effect of terminal blocking groups on solution aggregation of short peptide f...
Short peptide sequences such as KLVFFAE form well defined beta sheet structures. Their further templating through hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding is the principal... -
Biotemplated hydroxyapatite for radionuclide remediation
Abstract: Apatites (general formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)) are suitable materials for nuclear waste remediation and storage because they can incorporate actinides in their... -
Magnetic phase diagram of single crystal multiferroic NaFeGe2O6
Multiferroics of spin origin, for which magnetic long-range order and electric polarization occur simultaneously, have attracted considerable interest. The strong coupling... -
Continuation of "Magnetic excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7"
We have recently carried out an inelastic neutron scattering experiment at LET in order to investigate the excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7. The single crystal... -
Post-Mortem Submersion Interval (Pmsi) Estimation in Sea Water
Establishing the post-mortem interval (PMI) is often the primary objective in forensic investigations.Whilst various techniques for PMI estimation in terrestrial environments...